February 1st, 2021

Minutes of the Meeting

Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees

1 February 2021

Present:  Robin Marra, Dick Goettle, Beth Lorenz, Trish Toomey, Pam Troccia, Brian Doerpholz, Matt Buonomano, a citizen participant, and library Director Kate Thomas.

As the library closed early due to inclement weather, the meeting was held via Zoom.   Robin Marra called the meeting to order at 5:46 PM.

The minutes of the January 4, 2021 public meeting were reviewed and discussed. Dick Goettle made a motion, seconded by Beth Lorenz, to approve the minutes.  That motion was approved by all Trustees.  The non-public minutes of the January 4, 2021 were presented and reviewed.  Robin Marra made a motion, seconded by Pam Troccia, to approve the minutes.  That motion was approved by all Trustees.  The minutes of the public meeting held on January 11, 2021 were presented for approval.  Beth Lorenz made a motion, seconded by Robin Mara, to approve the minutes.  That motion was approved by all Trustees.  The minutes of the January 11, 2021 non-public meeting were presented for review.  Robin Mara made a motion, seconded by Dick Goettle, to approve the minutes as presented.  The motion was approved by all Trustees.

The Trustees reviewed the Library Manifest and Spending-to-Date Expense Report.  It was noted that the manifest has been revamped to appear more like a review of the monthly checking account statement.  This will allow Kate and the Treasurer to track checks or debits that remain outstanding each month.  The TD checking account statement will now reflect transactions for the month, giving a clear picture of the account balance for the meeting.  The Auditor has recommended that this manifest/checking account statement still be signed by the Trustees.  The Trustees will stop at the library to sign the report.

Brian Doerpholz provided the Trustees an accounting of the decisions made by the Board of Selectmen regarding the CIP request of the Library.  The monies requested by the library, to finish projects started in 2020 that will carry into 2021 and the painting of the building, came to $26,500.00.  The Selectmen have approved that request and will be taking the funds from the Building Expendable Trust of the Town of Fitzwilliam.  The Library will become part of the umbrella of Town buildings that will be inspected annually to determine what improvements need to be made.  The Selectmen will also take over the managing of those repairs, i.e sending out bids, hiring contractors and overseeing the projects.  As the library has already received two bids for painting the building, Dick will forward those to Debbie at Town Hall in the event the Town wants to use them in conjunction with any additional painting other town buildings will need in 2021.  The agenda for this meeting indicated that the Trustees would be acting on the painting bids received.  A motion was made by Dick Goettle to postpone any action on the painting bids until the March 1st meeting of the Trustees.  The motion was seconded by Trish Toomey and approved by all Trustees.

Kate reviewed the Library Directors report.  She discussed the hiring of three new part-time employees to take on the duties Meredith was performing.  Julia will be working Monday and Tuesday; Carol and Ella will be working on the programs and story time and Ella will also be working on the Newsletter as well as assisting with other areas relating to the computer work.  The total hours for all three employees remain at 26 per week.  After school programs on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons have begun.

Beth Lorenz reported on the meeting she and Trish had with Robert Goodby of Monadnock Archaeological Consulting, LLC relating to the Locke collection.  After reviewing the inventory and appraisal of the collection, Robert determined that any suggestions on how to display and\or handle the collection was beyond his expertise.  He did suggest that the display be handled minimally and that an expert consultant be hired to make any further determinations.  The Board had previously authorized $1,000.00 be used from the operating budget to hire a consultant.  Robin Marra will contact the original appraiser of the collection for additional guidance.

Robin Marra discussed the implementation of the next long-range (5 year) planning process.  The previous committee consisted of three Trustees, one alternate Trustee, one community member and the Library Director.  It was decided to make the formation of the new committee a discussion an item for the March 1st agenda.

The current Grievance Procedure was reviewed.  The Procedure indicates that in the event a staff member a disagreement with the Library Director and has reached no resolution with the Director, they may speak with a Liaison Trustee.  That item will be included on the agenda for March 1st.  A change in

Paragraph F will be made to state “Both the grievance decision and, if applicable, the note of the staff member, will become part of the personnel records of all participants involved.”  Dick Goettle made a motion to approve the Grievance Procedure of May 7,2018 as amended.  This motion was seconded by Pam Troccia and approved by all Trustees.

The need for a Board/Trustee evaluation process was discussed.  Robin Marra will provide a draft of the evaluation form at the March 1st meeting.

The next meeting of the Trustees has been scheduled for March 1st, 2021 at 5:45 pm.

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m. was made by Robin Marra and seconded by Beth Lorenz.  The motion was approved by all Trustees.

Respectfully submitted,

Pam Troccia
