— Trustee Minutes – August 1, 2022

Minutes of the Meeting

Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees 1 August, 2022

Present:  Trustees Robin Marra, Beth Lorenz, Richard Marshall, Carole Beckwith, Pam Troccia and Kate Thomas, Library Director; Alternate Trustees Nancy Fey-Yensan (via Zoom) and Brian Doerpholz. 

Robin Marra called the meeting to order at 5:45 in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

The minutes of the July 11, 2022 meeting were reviewed.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Carole Beckwith and seconded by Richard Marshall.  The motion was approved by all Trustees.

The manifest was reviewed and signed by all Trustees present.

Under the Chair’s report, Richard Marshall reviewed a memo, dated 7/23/22, outlining changes to the Asset Allocation and Allowable Assets portion of the current Investment Policy that are being proposed.  Also included in the memo is information on work remaining to be done to complete the fence project.  The resubmitted bid for construction of the fence from Top Dawg Design Build is in a total amount of  $9,300.00.  The passage of Article 15 in the 2022 Town Warrant provides $1,000.00 towards this total cost and there are various Trusts that can be utilized but using those funds would jeopardize the ability of the Library to pay for any emergency building and/or maintenance issues that may arise.  After discussion, the Trustees have tabled completing the fence project this year and will explore several funding options: i.e., grant funding, donation campaign, community volunteers, to move this to a three-year plan.

Kate reviewed the Library Directors report and Expenses to Date.  Circulation for July was down 10% at a total of 1,918.  There were twelve adult programs and eight children’s programs presented, with a total attendance of 195.  The Summer Reading Finale will be held on August 10th at 6:00 p.m. with Jason Purdy, a magician, providing the entertainment.  Upcoming September events include a talk by Bob Correte about cellarholes in Fitzwilliam and Ken Sheldon speaking on his new book about a notorious murder in Jaffrey.  The Book Sale will be held on August 27th.  Kate discussed an issue with the ceiling in her office leaking due to air conditioning condensation. 

Under Old Business, a description booklet will be available when items from the Locke collection are ready to be displayed.  Richard Marshall made a motion to approve the amended Investment Policy.  That motion was seconded by Pam Troccia and approved by all Trustees.  Beth Lorenz abstained from voting. 

The Trustees reviewed the current Telescope Policy.  A motion was made by Beth Lorenz, to approve the current policy and was seconded by Carole Beckwith.  The motion was approved by all Trustees.  The Trustees asked to have interesting celestial occurrences be included in the Library Newsletter to encourage the use of the telescope.  After review of the current Circulation Policy, Pam Troccia made a motion to accept the policy as presented.  That motion was seconded by Richard Marshall and approved by all Trustees.  Nancy Fey-Yensan updated the Trustees on meeting with the Friends of the Library to involve them with the Library’s Strategic Plan.  The agenda for the September meeting of the Trustees will include discussion and implementation of two goals of the Strategic Plan. 

Under New Business, the Board reviewed and discussed the proposed Chalkboard Policy.  Carole Beckwith made a motion to accept the Policy.  That motion was seconded by Pam Troccia and approved by all Trustees. A copy of the Policy will be laminated and attached to the chalkboard

Under Ongoing Business, Richard Marshall brought up a question related to the brick sidewalk.  The Trustees took a field trip to view the sidewalk and bricks that were lifting, causing a possible hazard to patrons.  A “Watch Your Step” sign has been posted and Carole Beckwith offered to complete some minor repairs of lifted bricks.

As there were no other announcements or new business, the next Trustee meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 6th, 2022 at 5:45, with Zoom access available. 

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:49 p.m. was made by Carole Beckwith and seconded by Beth Lorenz.  The motion was approved by all Trustees.

Respectfully submitted.

Pam Troccia
