— Trustee Minutes – February 7, 2022

Minutes of the Meeting

Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees

7 February, 2022

Present:  Trustees Robin Marra, Beth Lorenz, Trish Toomey, Pam Troccia and Kate Thomas, Library Director; Alternate Trustee Brian Doerpholz.  Richard Marshall, representing the Long -Range Planning Committee, was also in attendance.

Robin Marra called the meeting to order at 5:48 in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library. Trish Toomey and Richard Marshall were present via Zoom. 

The minutes of the January 3, 3022 meeting were reviewed.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Brian Doerpholz and seconded by Beth Lorenz.  The motion was approved by all Trustees.

The minutes of the January 18, 2022 meeting were reviewed.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Pam Troccia and seconded by Beth Lorenz.  The motion was approved by all Trustees.

The manifest was reviewed and signed by all Trustees present.

The Chair discussed the upcoming Town election and the Trustees positions that need to be filled.  There are two candidates running for one open position for a three-year term and two candidates running for the open position for a two-year term.  Robin suggested offering a position of Alternate Trustee to the candidate who is not chosen at the election.  Candidates Night will be held on March 2, 2022 at 7:00 in the Library.  Robin will be moderating the even and Zoom access will be provided.

Kate reviewed the Library Directors report and Expenses to Date.  Circulation for January was 1,603, a 2.5% increase for the month. There were nine adult programs and six children’s programs presented, with a total attendance of 98.  Saturday, February 5th, was bring your child to the Library, with games and raffle prizes offered as extra incentives.  A total of 8 parents and 15 children attended and all the children got library cards.   Kate discussed the issues the Library was having with the alarm panel which resulted in the panel having to be replaced.  The bill for that replacement is expected to be between $2,000.00 $5,000.00. 

A meeting of the Long-Range Planning Committee has been scheduled for February 15, 2022, and a summary of the meeting will be available for the Trustees meeting of March 7, 2022

Kate reported that The Locke Collection committee is preparing to make the out-rigger canoe available for display.  A booklet describing the importance of the item will be produced.   The CIP in the amount of $5,000.00, to create a Locke Collection Expendable Trust, that was submitted by the Library, has been approved by the Town.

Under New Business, Robin Marra discussed the current duties of the Treasurer position and how they may be changing going forward.  The changes could possibly include the creation of a Deputy Treasurer position. 

Changes to the current Art Show policy were reviewed and discussed.  Beth Lorenz put forth a motion to approve the changes.  Pam Troccia seconded and that motion was approved by all Trustees.

There were no updates on Buildings and Grounds or Friends of the Library.

Kate shared that the part-time employee recently hired has been suggesting many new ideas and projects and has become a valuable asset to the staff at the Library. 

As no other business or announcements were brought forth for discussion, the next Trustee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, March 7, 2022 at 5:45, with Zoom access available.

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:33 p.m. was made by Beth Lorenz and seconded by Brian Doerpholz.  The motion was approved by all Trustees.

Respectfully submitted.

Pam Troccia
