— Trustee Minutes – March 7, 2022

Minutes of the Meeting

Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees

7 March, 2022

Present:  Trustees Robin Marra, Beth Lorenz, Pam Troccia and Kate Thomas, Library Director; Alternate Trustees Brian Doerpholz and Cathie Talbert.  Richard Marshall, representing the Long -Range Planning Committee, was also in attendance.

Robin Marra called the meeting to order at 5:46 in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

The minutes of the January 3, 3022 meeting were reviewed.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Beth Lorenz and seconded by Pam Troccia.  The motion was approved by all Trustees.

The manifest was reviewed and signed by all Trustees present.

The Chair discussed the current Mask Policy of the Library.  Given the fact that the vaccination rate has been determined to be over 50% of Fitzwilliam residents receiving at least one dose of the vaccine and the lifting of indoor mask mandates statewide, he recommended that the Library change the current policy of unvaccinated individuals being required to wear a mask to a mask option policy for all patrons.  After discussion, Beth Lorenz made a motion to approve the removal of the current mask policy signage in favor of a mask optional policy.   That motion was seconded by Brian Doerpholz and approved by all Trustees.  At this time, the Chair and the Executive Director will continue to be able to make a change to that policy in the event of another health crisis.

Kate reviewed the Library Directors report and Expenses to Date.  Circulation for February was down 2%, at a total of 1,589.  There were nine adult programs and ten children’s programs presented, with a total attendance of 137.  The bill for the new alarm system, in the amount of $3,133.00, has been received.  The area around the new system will need to be patched and painted.  Kate was also informed by the elevator inspector that the elevator will be due for an extra load-bearing inspection next year, adding an extra $1,000.00 to the maintenance bill.  Kate will be looking into being able to tap into the ARPA monies provided by the Federal government for COVID relief.  The Library experienced a major problem with the new fiber optic line from Consolidated/Fidium.  The line had not been installed properly which meant that all library operations were done manually from cell phones.  The customer service received from that organization was considered to be severely lacking.   The public computers are scheduled to be replaced with computers formerly used by Kate and the Circulation desk.

Richard Marshall presented the Board with the revised Long-Range Plan put together by the Planning Committee.  After discussion, with a few minor changes being recommended, a motion was made by Beth Lorenze to accept the Plan with recommended changes.  The motion was seconded by Brian Doerpholz and approved by all Trustees.  Kate recommended that the approved plan be shared with the Master Plan Committee, Board of Selectmen and the Friends of the Library.

There were no new updates on the plan to display the Locke Collection.

Under New Business, the Trustees were reminded that the there will be two articles presented at the Town Meeting directly related to the Library.  Article 15 to provide funds to finish the library fence and Article 16 to provide funds to display the Locke Collection.

The current Behavior Policy for library patrons was presented and reviewed.  After discussion, Cathie Talbert made a motion to reaffirm the policy as presented.  Pam Troccia seconded and the motion was approved by all Trustees.  The policy will reflect review and vote to reaffirm as of March 7, 2022.

There were no updates on Buildings and Grounds or Friends of the Library.  It was noted that the Friends meet every fourth Monday of the month and that the next meeting will be held at 6:45 on March 28th.

The Chair recognized the efforts of Trustees Beth Lorenz, Trish Toomey and Cathie Talbert, all of whose terms have ended.  Their support of the Library and the Library Trustees was outstanding and the Chair asked for a motion for the minutes to reflect our appreciation of their hard work and dedication.  That motion was seconded by Brian Doerpholz and approved by all Trustees.

As no other business or announcements were brought forth for discussion, the next Trustee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, April 4, 2022 at 5:45, with Zoom access available.

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 p.m. was made by Pam Troccia and seconded by Cathie Talbert.  The motion was approved by all Trustees.

Respectfully submitted.

Pam Troccia
