Trustee Minutes – September 13th, 2021

Minutes of the Meeting

Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees

13 September 2021

Present:  Robin Marra, Beth Lorenz, Brian Doerpholz, Matt Buonomano and Library Director Kate Thomas.

Robin Marra called the meeting to order at 5:46 pm in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library with Matt Buonomano, Beth Lorenz, Robin Marra, Brian Doerpholz and Kate Thomas in attendance at the library.

The July 12, 2021, minutes that were postponed from the August 9th meeting were reviewed and approved. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Brian Doerpholz and seconded by Beth Lorenz.  The motion was approved by all Trustees. The August 9, 2021, minutes were reviewed and approved. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Brian Doerpholz and seconded by Beth Lorenz. The motion was approved by all Trustees. The September 7, 2021, minutes were reviewed and approved with correction. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Matt Buonomano and seconded by Beth Lorenz. The motion was approved by all Trustees.

The Trustees reviewed and signed the manifest.   

The Trustees revisited the Covid decision process that was voted on at the January 11, 2021, meeting of the Trustees. A motion was made by Brian Doerpholz to keep the Covid decision process in place with amendments and seconded by Beth Lorenz. It was not unanimously approved, however upon further discussion and a board vote, the motion was passed. Matt Buonomano proposed the following motion: In recognition of increasing community transmission of Covid 19, I move to require all visitors to wear masks in the building and require library staff to wear masks in the presence of visitors with vaccinated staff able to remove masks if seated alone. The motion was seconded by Robin. After further discussion, the motion was defeated with Brian Doerpholz and Beth Lorenz voting nay. Brian Doerpholz make the motion to continue with the current mask policy of mandating masks be worn by those not vaccinated. Beth Lorenz seconded, Matt Buonomano did not approve, Robin Marra abstained. The motion to continue will remain in force moving forward.  

Kate Thomas presented her monthly report; circulation numbers were not available at the time of the Trustees meeting, but Kate was able to notify all Trustees the next day that for August the circulation number was down 15% from last year. There were 11 adult programs and 4 children’s programs, with total attendance of 227 and patron attendance in the building for July was 1000, a 5% decrease from June. Another part-time employee has left to pursue a full-time career. There will be efforts to seek another part-time employee but Kate anticipates difficulty filling that position.

There was no update from Friends of the Library this session.

On buildings and grounds, Caleb Massin has completed the painting of the library and billed the town directly. No current update to the fence and front porch.

In new business, Matt Buonomano has volunteered to help update content for the library web pages as well as review the website and the use of WordPress as a content provider. It was also determined that the funds from the Fidelity account will be momentarily moved to the TD Savings account where future funds can be transferred when needed. Matt Buonomano will also file a copy of the library report of the library’s trust funds to the town.

The long-range plan as well as the Library’s long-range plan will continue to be worked on. 

No other business or announcements were brought forth for discussion.

The next Trustee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, October 4, 2021, at 5:45 p.m.

Beth Lorenz put forth a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:54 p.m.  Brian Doerpholz seconded, and all Trustees approved the motion to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Beth Lorenz

Vice Chair and Acting Secretary