— Trustee Minutes – September 6, 2022

Minutes of the Meeting

Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees

6 September, 2022

Present:  Trustees Robin Marra, Beth Lorenz, Richard Marshall, and Carole Beckwith; Alternate Trustees Nancy Fey-Yensan (via Zoom) and Brian Doerpholz. 

Robin Marra called the meeting to order at 5:45 in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

The minutes of the August 1, 2022, meeting were reviewed.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Carole Beckwith and seconded by Richard Marshall.  The motion was approved by all Trustees.

The minutes of the August 24, 2022, meeting were reviewed.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Beth Lorenz and seconded by Richard Marshall.  The motion was approved by all Trustees.

Due to illness, Kate Thomas, Library Director, was unable to attend the meeting. The manifest will be approved at a future date prior to the next meeting.

Under the Chair’s report, Robin Marra wanted to acknowledge the Trustee’s appreciation of the library staff in stepping in and stepping up to provide continued exceptional service during the Library Director’s absence. Richard Marshall provided an update on the status of procuring a local investment firm to address library assets needing investment attention. Richard Marshall has interviewed 8 local firms with 1 no, 4 maybes and 3 interested and will follow up with the interested firms to determine suitability. 

Again, Kate was unable to attend the meeting to provide the Library Director’s report and Expenses to Date. 

Under Old Business, the Locke Collection display update has been extended. Carole Beckwith requested and moved to postpone the review of the Collection Development policy to the October meeting, Beth Lorenz seconded postponement and it was approved by all Trustees. Richard Marshall made a motion to approve the Pandemic Policy. That motion was seconded by Carole Beckwith and approved by all Trustees. Richard Marshall proposed that we move forward with looking into what can be done with the second-floor space of the library in accordance with Goal #2: Action Step B of the Strategic Plan. It was agreed that Beth will look into obtaining estimates from 3 different contractors to evaluate the space for what needs to be addressed to make the space structurally sound and Richard Marshall will contact the appropriate professionals to address the potential general use of the elevator as well as the fire escape.

Under New Business, Robin Marra introduced changes to the Bylaws for discussion and approval at the October meeting.

Under Ongoing Business, Nancy Fey-Yensan shared that the Friends of the Library were able to raise the most ever at this year’s annual book sale ($3100). She wanted to express her thanks to all those who helped with the sale as well as let the Trustees know that Tracie has agreed to help with the library’s new 10-year plan on behalf of the Friends. Under Buildings & Grounds, it was brought to the Trustee’s attention that there was a leak in the condensation plan in the office of the library which caused rust and a need to replace the pan as well as a new pipe plus an alarm. The estimated cost was $500-$1,000, but Richard Mayes has agreed to look into the damage further to provide details on costs and how to proceed. Further, Brian Doerpholz has informed the Trustees that the Board of Selectmen have agreed to fund the deficit amount from the library’s resources to move the fence replacement forward. Work on the fence is still expected to begin in September. Robin Marra will draft a letter of gratitude to the Selectmen for their help.

As there were no other announcements or new business, the next Trustee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, October 3rd, 2022 at 5:45 pm, with Zoom access available. 

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m. was made by Carole Beckwith and seconded by Richard Marshall. The motion was approved by all Trustees.

Respectfully submitted.

Beth Lorenz

Vice-Chair and Acting Secretary