Trustee Minutes – April 1, 2013

Minutes for the Fitzwilliam Library Trustees Meeting, April 1, 2013

Present: Maggie Brogdon, Barbara Green, Richard Mays, Nick Noyes, Cathie Talbert, Susan Massin

The trustees approved the minutes of Mar 4, 2013.

Building Report
The elevator was checked by NE Lift. The power supply was burned out and had to be replaced. The light inside the elevator is still not working. A transformer for it had to be ordered. They recommend that the elevator should be used regularly to keep it in good working order.
The light inside the entrance is still not working and could be related to the light in the elevator problem.
John Greer fixed the outlet that was not working in the kitchen area.
The carpets are scheduled to be cleaned on April 19th.
The painting and/or building repair money (Article 12) was approved at the Town Meeting. Richard will check the balcony above the front entrance to see if it needs to be repaired.
Susan and Maggie have finished the clearing out of the upstairs project. Jane is scheduled to clean it.

Other Agenda items
We have not scheduled any art shows for this summer.
Personnel discussion
The telescope is being delivered on Saturday. Susan will contact other libraries for input on writing a policy about checking out the telescope.
Upcoming Programs
The Friends of the Library will be sponsoring National Library Week events to include a program on April 15, It’s Not About the Hike and will be providing refreshments during the week.
April is also Poetry Month and Jim Kates is scheduled for a poetry reading program on April 29.
A Night Sky program by the NH Astronomical Society starting with an inside presentation and then moving outside to use the more powerful telescope that they bring as well as the one belonging to the library is scheduled for May 20 at 7:30 PM.
We discussed ideas for future programs.

We signed the manifest and adjourned at 6:43 PM.
The next regular meeting will be Monday, May 6, at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Maggie Brogdon