Trustee Minutes – April 1, 2019

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
1 April 2019

Present:  Dick Goettle, Barbara Green, Beth Lorenz, Ann McEntee, Trish Toomey, and Library Director Kate Thomas

Barbara Green called the meeting to order at 5:35 PM in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

Kate Thomas thanked Barbara Green for her many years of dedicated service.

Barbara, Kate, and Dick Goettle explained how the monthly meetings proceed and which documents are reviewed and signed monthly.

The Trustees reviewed and signed the Library Manifest and Spending-to-Date Expense Report.

The minutes of the March 4th meeting were reviewed; Dick put forth a motion, seconded by Trish Toomey, to approve them.  Motion carried.

Kate presented the monthly Librarian’s Report: March’s circulation dropped 18% (compared to March 2018).   Fewer checkouts of DVDs accounts for the drop. Kate invited the trustees to her forthcoming meeting with Coni Porter, the branding consultant. She also provided an article regarding the success of the Mid-Continent Public Library (Kansas City, MO) branding strategy. The new copier is partially installed and will soon be connected to the public computers. The theme of this year’s summer reading program, entitled “Universe of Stories,” focuses upon space and space exploration.

The Trustees reviewed the Library trustee Code of Conduct. Ann McEntee suggested a change in wording from “Function as a whole unit” to “Function as a unified body.” Dick motioned to make the recommended change, seconded by Trish; motion carried. Kate will update the document and post on the library’s website.

Dick reported that Richard Mays will be hired by the Town of Fitzwilliam as a stipend employee, which means he will receive a year-end stipend to be paid in December.  Several trustees expressed their concern with such an arrangement: there is currently no line item in the budget that provides for such a stipend; the employee receives the projected amount regardless if s/he has fulfilled the work agreement (projected number of hours).  It was agreed that the Board would prefer to hire on an as-needed basis. Dick will discuss this course of action with Debbie Favreau.

Discussion of the Locke Collection insurance documents was postponed until the May board meeting. Ann stated that the subcommittee (Nick Noyes, Cathy Talbot, Barbara Green, and Ann) have yet to meet to begin discussions with the consultant regarding the disposition of the Collection.

Trish Toomey has agreed to serve as a liaison with the friends of the Library board.

Dick will prepare the first quarter financial report and send it to the trustees electronically.  Upon review, they will discuss and sign it at the May board meeting. The Trustee Investment Policy will be reviewed during the July meeting. Carl Gravina, Stewart Partners Global Advisory, will meet with the trustees at the September 9th board meeting. Going forward, they will meet with the Stewart Partners Global Advisory consultant annually in February; the 2019 end-of-year fiscal reports will be available, and based upon those reports, the trustees can discuss changes to the investment portfolio, if warranted.  Dick also stated that the last of the Massin Certificates of Deposit held at Walpole Savings Bank matures this coming June; he will then deposit that return in the Fidelity Money Market account. And, Dick will coordinate the updating of the signature cards for the checking and investment accounts.

Ann and Kate will select a northern red oak in July to be planted in early September.

The next trustee meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 6th, 2019 @ 5:30 PM.

Trish put forth a motion, seconded by Ann, to adjourn the meeting.  Meeting adjourned at 7:12 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann McEntee, Secretary