Trustee Minutes – April 2, 2012

Present: Richard Mays, Nick Noyes, Cathie Talbert, and Susan Massin
Absent: Maggie Brogdon, Barbara Green

The trustees amended and approved the March 12, 2012, minutes.

The trustees welcome Cathie Talbert, the new trustee, and say goodbye with many thanks to Joanne Kesses for her twelve years of service. We are especially appreciative of the six years she did the time-consuming tasks that come with being our treasurer.

Librarian’s Report –
Susan read off the programs scheduled in April.
Art Shows—We agreed to a policy change that the shows be for 4 weeks instead of 6. The schedule is being revised. Local artists Sybille Leary and Margaret Fitzwilliam are on the schedule.
The plan for the library’s centenary celebration as part of the town’s 250th will be discussed next meeting.

Building Report –
The front porch light has been replaced with a waterproof fixture and the wiring wrapped to keep moisture out. It is now working properly.
The first estimate is in for replacing old fluorescent lights with energy efficient lighting. The three eight-foot lights will be replaced with four-foot fixtures. The ballasts in the all the existing four-foot fixtures will be replaced to accommodate the more efficient bulbs. All the bulbs will be the same. We agreed that money from the New Building Fund will be used to cover the costs. Richard will continue to research the project.

Massin Fund –
We contacted the New Hampshire Local Government Center for guidance. Following that advice, we drew up a document that incorporated language from RSA 202A:23 and the wishes of the Massins. We will be discussing the investing of those funds at a later meeting.

The trustees signed the manifest and the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 PM.

The next meeting will be Monday, May 7th at 6 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
J. Nicholas Noyes