Trustee Minutes – August 4, 2014

Present: Barbara Green, Gail Landy, Richard Mays, Nick Noyes, Cathie Talbert, Kate Thomas, Director and Chris Holman, Selectman (present for a portion of the meeting)

Absent: Nancy Woodward (Alternate)

At 6 pm Nick called the meeting to order. We signed the Manifest and approved the minutes of the July 7, 2014 meeting.

We heard a report from Gail and Nancy, via e-mail, on the work of the Long Range Planning. At present they are reviewing “Tomorrow by Design”.

We had a discussion about non-service dogs being allowed in the Library. Kate will see if there is a policy regarding animals in town buildings and any insurance implications. Concern was expressed about liability in the event of a biting incident.

We continued to discuss and review three more policies – Social Media, Gift Policy and an Art Show Policy. None were ready for approval.

Chris Holman dropped in. He shared with us a recent report from the Town’s auditors. Nick will follow up with Paula Thompson.

Carl Gravina of Wells Fargo Investments is scheduled to give our annual review in October.

Richard led a discussion on the urgency of fixing the flat portion of the roof (over the DVD collection) before winter and snow/ice buildup. He will solicit bids.

Nick applauded the good work Donna and Jeremy did while Kate was on vacation.

Kate reported that circulation was up significantly, 23% over a year ago and 16% over last month. Summer reading program has been very successful and the teen program had 12 participants and made 3 films.

An art show by Bill Barefoot is on display.

The annual book sale is September 20th and book donations can be made after August 11th.

Kate is planning on rearranging some oversized books to free up shelf space for more DVDs.

Treatment for ants was carried out.

We adjourned at 7:05pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Cathie Talbert