Trustee Minutes – August 5, 2019

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
5 August 2019

Present: Dick Goettle, Beth Lorenz, Ann McEntee, Pam Troccia, Susan Curtin (alternate) and Library Director Kate Thomas

Beth Lorenz called the meeting to order at 5:45 PM in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

The Trustees reviewed and signed the Library Manifest and Spending-to-Date Expense Report.

The minutes of the July 1st meeting were reviewed; Pam Troccia put forth a motion, seconded by Dick Goettle, to approve them as presented.  Motion passed.

Dick reviewed the second quarter investment report with the Trustees. He also presented the revised Library’s Investment Policy. Ann McEntee put forth a motion, seconded by Beth, to approve the revised policy. Motion carried. Dick reminded the Trustees that Carl Gravina and Josh Houle, Raymond James Financial Services, will attend the September meeting to review the Library’s investment portfolio.

A discussion about the present condition and future of the fence ensued. Joe Moody is no longer able to rebuild the fence; Kate Thomas will contact him about his offer to donate the wood pickets that he has already cut (approx. 50). Dick suggested that the fence be rebuilt as a split rail fence so that it would match that of the Common. A brief discussion followed, but no conclusion was reached.

Kate reported that library attendance has risen 8% from that of July 2018. A smaller drop in circulation from that of last July (3.5%) was noted. The new library assistant, Toni, will be resigning at the end of August due to a family problem that has recently developed. Kate will contact one of the other job candidates to learn if she is still interested in the assistantship.

The Trustees reviewed Coni Porter’s three branding ideas. They agreed to meet with her to discuss these preliminary designs Tuesday, August 13th at 6 PM.

Ann reviewed the list of building maintenance tasks completed during the month of July: gutter cleaning, light bulb changing, replacing air filters and a cracked downspout, and ridding the basement of old paint cans and plastic flowerpots. She also presented Richard Mays’s summary of findings about the covering of the return registers. Ann and Richard began soliciting bids for duct cleaning and tree pruning on the north side of the building. The Trustees discussed the need to remove the gutter and downspout from the north side and install a stone-filled swale; Richard has offered to complete that work and is currently soliciting bids for a delivery of stone to the library. The chimneysweep Dan Connell inspected the chimneys and has recommended that they be sealed with a water repellent. Susan Curtin strongly urged the Trustees to go forward with sealing the chimneys before the snow flies.

The Trustees agreed to table the discussion about a Memo of Understanding indefinitely.

Ann and Kate presented the information provided by Ben Siracusa Hillman, Shaheen Gordon, Attorneys at Law, during their telephone conversation with him August 2nd. (Notes of the conversation are appended.) The Trustees agreed to move forward in determining how best to display the Locke Collection in the library.

Ann asked Beth to convene a new Locke Collection subcommittee to draw up a list of ways to display the Collection.

News from the Friends of the Library was tabled until the September Trustee meeting. However, Kate announced the book sale, schedule for August 24th.

A brief discussion of last month’s confusion about the Fitzwilliam Newsletter’s decision to charge all township entities for articles and ads. Kate never received an invoice for her submission to the August edition. In response, the Newsletter waived the cost for that edition, however, the Library will be responsible for the monthly cost ($50). Ann recommended that the Trustees ask the Friends for help in underwriting this unanticipated expense. No decision was reached.

Beth put forth a motion, seconded by Dick, to adjourn the meeting; motion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM.

The next Trustee meeting is scheduled for September 9th at 5:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann McEntee