Trustee Minutes – December 1, 2014

Present: Barbara Green, Gail Landy, Richard Mays, Nick Noyes, Cathie Talbert, Nancy Woodward (Alternate) and Kate Thomas (Director)

Nick called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm.

We signed the manifest and approved the minutes of November 3, 2014.

Nick summarized his meeting with the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Committee. We are submitting a request for the amount of $5,175 in 2015 for repairs to the portion of the roof where snow build up and ice dams are a problem. The CIP Committee now wants spread sheet format for all projects projected to occur over the next 6 years.

Kate discussed her meeting with the Budget Committee and she is submitting a revised budget.

Another roof discussion. Nick had a good meeting with Jancewicz and Sons and is awaiting their estimate. After this past storm when Nick and his son removed the snow (and took great pictures of the snow buildup) Nick is of the opinion that a PVC or metal roof is the answer – some material that will cause the snow to slide off. Until the roof is repaired we will need to hire someone to shovel this roof. Kate is going to ask Mark Sweeney if he is interested in doing it. Gail suggested that the photographs would be most valuable in persuading the Historic District Commission that a non traditional roofing material may be the best solution.

We discussed the upcoming vacancy on the Board. Kate will think about possible names to serve as Alternates for 2015.

Richard is going to compile the various comments in preparation for Kate’s first review.

Long Range Planning Committee has developed a survey for the town and suggestions for distribution. The Trustees liked the survey draft – concise and easily read.

We agreed that Maryann Mullet would be a good artist to hold an exhibition at the Library. Barbara will contact her about an August date.

All the Library policies are up to date and Nick made a timeline with future renewal dates.

Kate gave her report: circulation up over 12% from November 2013 with 13 programs offered for the month. The elevator has been repaired and fall garden cleanup finished. Furnace cleaning is scheduled. “Reading to Dogs” has begun on Wednesday afternoon, thanks to Trish Toomey and MAYA. Jill Wixom has started working evenings.

We adjourned at 6:56 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
