Trustee Minutes – December 3, 2012

Minutes for the Fitzwilliam Library Trustees Meeting, Dec 3, 2012

Present: Maggie Brogdon, Barbara Green, Richard Mays, Nick Noyes, Cathie Talbert, and Susan Massin

The trustees approved the Nov 5, 2012 minutes.
Trustee positions for 2013 election are: Richard Mays and Nick Noyes

Budget Report
Susan handed out the revised 2013 budget that included salary and legal fee increases. The recommended 3 year plan for painting of the outside of the building might be able to be combined with the town hall painting in a CIP budget item.

Building Report
The roof repair of four missing slates was completed. The chimney needs to have 2 sides flashed with copper and slate. It also needs to be repointed. Susan has requested an estimate of cost. The Margaret Davis Fund could be used to pay for these repairs.
Since the front porch light is burned out again, Richard is investigating replacing it. Keating Plumbing and Heating fixed the heat problem.
Susan has recommended someone to the town for shoveling the walks this winter.

Librarian’ Report
Susan completed Donna Hill’s employee review and recommended that she receive a merit increase in salary. Jeremy Vanderkern’s review will be in February. Susan reported that our circulation for Nov was lower than 2011.

End of the Year Financial Report
Increased building and grounds maintenance this year plus our legal expenses have exhausted our current funds. We expect that the Dec legal bill will be paid by the town in January. Susan is requesting the rest of our 2012 funding from the town to meet other expenses. Susan will ask Dave Kenney if it would be possible to use one of the computers now available for library patrons to replace the checkout desk computer so that we do not need to purchase a new one now.

Locke Collection
At 6:33 PM Maggie moved that the trustees go into a nonpublic session per RSA 91-A:3, paragraph II(c), to discuss a matter that would likely affect adversely the reputation of a person other than a member of this public body. Cathie seconded the motion. The roll call vote was:
Noyes – yes
Mays – yes
Green – yes
Talbert – yes
Brogdon – yes
At 6:55 Richard moved that the trustees end the non public session and per RSA 91-A:3, paragraph III, seal the minutes. Maggie seconded the motion. The roll call vote was:
Noyes – yes
Mays – yes
Green – yes
Talbert –yes
Brogdon – yes

We signed the manifest and adjourned the meeting at 6:57 PM.

The next meeting is Monday, Jan 7th at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Maggie Brogdon