Trustee Minutes – December 3, 2018

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
3 December 2018

Present:  Dick Goettle, Barbara Green, Richard Mays,Ann McEntee, Nick Noyes, Susan Curtin (alternate), Trish Toomey (alternate) and Library Director Kate Thomas

Nick Noyes called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

The Trustees reviewed and signed the Library Manifest and the Library Expenses Spreadsheet.

The minutes of the October 9th meeting were reviewed; Nick put forth a motion, seconded by Richard Mays, to approve them.  Motion carried.

Kate Thomas presented the Librarian’s report.  Speculations regarding the decrease in circulation included the early arrival of winter, Thanksgiving and the ever-increasing number of “come-on” shopping days that follow the holiday.  Kate announced that she would be replacing the circulation computer before the end of the month.  Winta Lynn Hay has been hired to replace Jill Wixom.  The public printer has been repaired.  Kate and Loree have scheduled seasonal activities in lieu of Legos: holiday crafts; gingerbread houses; and an interactive viewing of Elf.

Dick Goettle presented the revised Treasurer and Investment Account Statement, which was reviewed and approved.  He also announced that the Fidelity Investment account has been established.

Ann McEntee proposed the creation of a building and grounds inventory.  Such an inventory would help the trustees prepare annual capital improvement requests that are submitted to the Fitzwilliam CIP committee.  Richard has agreed to complete the inventory.

Nick announced that he will be attending the CIP committee meeting on Thursday, December 13th, 2018 at 7:00 PM.

Barbara Green, Nick and Ann will meet after the Locke Collection appraisal has been received to discuss how the trustees could move forward with insuring the collection.

The next trustee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, January 7th at 5:30 PM.

Nick put forth a motion, seconded by Richard, that the meeting adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 6:17 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann McEntee, Secretary