Trustee Minutes – December 4, 2017

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
4 December 2017

Present: Dick Goettle, Barbara Green, Richard Mays, Ann McEntee, Nick Noyes, and Library Director Kate Thomas

Nick Noyes called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

The Trustees reviewed and signed the Library Manifest and the Library Expenses Spreadsheet.

Nick Noyes put forth a motion to approve the November 6th minutes; Richard Mays seconded the motion. Motion passed.

A brief discussion about any necessary repairs or inspections occurred. Richard reported that the 5-year fire sprinkler inspection has been completed. It was agreed that if any emergency repairs are required, then cost of said repairs will be paid through the Marguerite Davis Memorial Trust Fund.

Discussion of the Trustee Code of Conduct transpired. It was agreed that the document will not be modified as it currently exists. The Bulletin Board Policy was also reviewed, revised, and approved.

Ann McEntee and Kate Thomas presented their ideas for an art show entitled “A Room of Her Own,” which would celebrate the women of Fitzwilliam through their handiwork. The show would be mounted for the month of March (Women’s History Month). The inability to use the second floor during the winter, limited first floor space, and advertising were discussed. Ann agreed to chair this event.

Ann and Kate introduced National Libraries Week, April 9-15, 2018. Ann suggested that the Trustees do all they can to promote the library and its many services during that week. Kate suggested that we scour the ALA website for promotional ideas and events. Ann stated that she has begun to look through the NH Humanities Council website for a possible speaker.

Nick has asked that everyone complete the Library Director Evaluation Form by December 11th so that the information may be compiled prior to his formal annual review with Kate.

Richard reported that he has purchased and installed a riser so that the caps of the septic tanks sit just a few inches below grade; he also provided an estimate for the replacement of the west side of the fence, which will be included in the CIP proposal.

The Trustees reviewed the Librarian’s Report: circulation of materials increased 16% from November, 2016, and 234 people attended 27 programs. A representative from Light Tec paid the library a site visit as part of the energy audit provided by Eversource. Nick stated that he has information about the light fixtures in the Quick Meeting Room, which he will forward to Kate. A second building item–the meeting room’s sliding door track–needs either repair or replacement. Richard and Nick will examine it and determine how best to proceed. Barbara Young’s resignation, effective December 4, 2017, was discussed.

Given the upcoming holiday, Nick set the next meeting on Monday, January 8th, 2018 at 5:30 PM.

Richard put forth a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ann. Motion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann McEntee, Secretary