Trustee Minutes – December 5, 2011

Present: Barbara Green, Nick Noyes, Joanne Kesses and Susan Massin
Absent: Richard Mays, Maggie Brogdon

We approved the November 7, 2011 minutes.

Fiscal Topics —

Budget – The budget received a quick approval at the Budget Hearing. Funds were added to the fuel estimate.
Memorial Funds – Towards the end of the meeting Nick began showing the way to track individual funds that are commingled within one large fund. Time ran out, and Joanne was going to give Carl Gravina at Wells Fargo Advisors a call to get his ideas.
Susan presented her figures on which to base setting library card fees for non-residents. Based on her presentation, a motion was made that the non-resident fee for 2012 be set at $45. The motion passed.

Technology –-

The plan still is to replace two of the 7 computers. A proposal has been submitted to PC Connection to see what that company might offer. We will be meeting with Matt Vestal to understand better his long-range plan.
Technology Nights have been very successful. Kathleen Packard’s demonstration of e-books on a Kindle and a Nook was thorough and patient. More Technology Nights are planned.

Employee Evaluations—six-month – Susan explained her approach to evaluations, and the trustees fully supported her. The increase in salaries is already in the budget.

Building Painting – Wright Painting is contracting with the town for painting. For the library the project has been divided into 4 parts spread over 4 years:

  1. new building all three sides but not the windows; $3,800,
  2. old building north side, $1,400;
  3. old building west side with front porch, $2,600,
  4. old building south side, $2,800.

The grand total is $10,600. The trustees liked the idea and the cost estimate. We will wait to see what the town decides to do before allocating funds.

The trustees signed the manifest and the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.

The next meeting will be Monday, January 9th at 6 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
J. Nicholas Noyes