Trustee Minutes – December 9, 2019

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
9 December 2019

Present: Dick Goettle, Beth Lorenz, Ann McEntee, Trish Toomey, Pam Troccia and Library Director Kate Thomas

Beth Lorenz called the meeting to order at 5:45 PM in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

The Trustees reviewed and signed the Library Manifest and Spending-to-Date Expense Report.

The minutes of the November 4th meeting were reviewed and approved as submitted.

Kate Thomas presented her monthly report: circulation and program attendance figures continue a downward trend as compared to those of last year. Kate will soon be receiving the electronic files of the library’s brand (to be launched March, 2020). She reported the following building damages: snow and ice have lifted slate roof tiles; Ann McEntee and Trish Toomey recommended calling Johnson Brothers for a repair estimate. The Selectmen, while surveying the exterior of the building, noticed what appears to be structural damage to the front porch; Ben Thomas confirmed the need for structural repairs. As this work will require capital improvement funding, it was agreed that at the upcoming meeting of the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Committee, the repair of the porch must be addressed.

Kate announced the first annual Baking Contest, scheduled for Friday, December 13th at 6-8 PM. Patrons have been signing up to attend, and she is optimistic that it will prove to be a popular, well-attended event. She also informed the Trustees that there will be a program about Alzheimer’s Disease in early February.

Dick Goettle announced the upcoming CIP Committee meeting, scheduled for Thursday, December 12th at 6:00 PM.

Ann stated that the new maple has been wrapped and fertilized.

It was also announced that the old fence has been removed due to the safety hazards it poses. Selectman Dan Baker has offered to purchase the lumber and cut the pickets for a new fence; he has also offered his heated workshop to the trustees so that they could paint or stain the picket prior to construction of the new fence. The Trustees agreed to move forward with this plan of action.

The Locke Collection Subcommittee will meet Wednesday, December 11th at 6 PM at the Township Office to unpack and examine the Hawaiian artifacts that comprise much of the Collection.

The December 1st annual meeting of the Friends of the Library was cancelled due to the impressive snowstorm. The slate of officers for 2020 include Jen Fritz, President; Kristen Noonan, Vice-President; Erin Ostergard, Secretary; and, Barbara Brooks, Treasurer.

Kate informed the Trustees that she would be using the balance of her vacation time from December 23rd through the 31st.

Ann informed the Trustees that she will be out of town until January 7th, and Trish agreed to take the minutes of the January 6th meeting.

The next Trustee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, January 6th @ 5:45 PM.

Ann put forth a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Beth. Meeting adjourned at 6:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann M. McEntee