Trustee Minutes – February 1, 2016

Present: J. Nicholas Noyes, Gail P. Landy, Richard Mays, Barbara Green, Nancy Woodward (alternate), Director Kate Thomas

Absent: Dick Goettle

The Meeting was called to order by Chairman Noyes at 6:03pm

The manifest was reviewed and signed by the Trustees. Trustees reviewed the Librarian’s spreadsheet of expenditures with the clarification that budget figures were from 2015 since there is no 2016 budget until Town Meeting, and that the expenditures are 2016 expenditures. Trustees reviewed the Retained income figures presented by Chairman Noyes.

The minutes of the January 4, 2016 meeting were approved as distributed.

The quarterly spreadsheet of investment accounts will be presented at the March meeting.

In response to the proposed budget cuts from the Budget Committee and the Selectmen, Trustees reviewed the proposed 2016 Library budget for possible cuts. Chairman Noyes will give a defense of the budget at the Budget Committee Meeting Thursday, February 4th at 7PM.

Exterior painting of the south side of the library and the cupola has been included in the 2016 CIP and will be a warrant article to be voted on at Town Meeting.

There was no report on the fire escape.

Updates on Fairpoint bill and on water bubbler were continued until Dick Goettle can be present. Sprinkler repairs are still in planning stage but will most likely use a good portion of the repairs/maintenance line (430) in the 2016 budget

Richard Mays is looking into changes to the exterior lighting that will be more energy efficient and require less maintenance. Current fixtures burn out bulbs very quickly.

With minor revisions, the Long Range Plan was approved unanimously by the Trustees. Gail Landy moved and Richard Mays seconded the motion.

The Director reported a small drop in circulation from that of January 2015, but circulation is higher than in November and December. Seventeen programs had a total attendance of 163. The Bubble Man was a great success with more than 70 attending.

There are 17 children enrolled in “1000 books before Kindergarten.” Elaine Bieber is doing a terrific job with storytime. The Lego Club started up at the end of January with the help of Cameron Ellnor. An adult Valentine’s program will be held February 12th.

The director is working with Richard Mays and Gene Cuomo to order and install new batteries for the library emergency lights. Kate also reported that she has found a less expensive source of printer ink and will be ordering from them to see if quality is acceptable. This company requires a credit card and does not bill. Kate feels it is not appropriate to use her personal credit card on a regular basis, even when reimbursed.

Trustees agreed that Kate should proceed with getting a library credit card to simplify ordering.

Chairman Noyes asked Director Thomas to define a third goal for the coming year. Goal number one—-the Long Range Plan is already well on its way to being completed.

The next Trustee meeting will be March 7, 2016 at 6PM.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:34pm

Respectfully submitted,

Gail P. Landy