Trustee Minutes – February 3, 2014

Present: Maggie Brogdon, Barbara Green, Nick Noyes, Richard Mays, Cathie Talbert, Kate Thomas (Library Director), and Nancy Woodward (alternate)

At 6:00 pm Nick called the meeting to order. We reviewed and signed the manifest. We approved, as corrected, the minutes of the regularly scheduled Jan 6, 2013 meeting.

Librarian’s Report
Kate reported on the printer status, January circulation and future programs.

She reported on the auditors’ recommendations for the need for the availability of account information. Richard and Barbara will follow up on this.

Kate distributed a suggested Emergency Plan for us to review, which we will then discuss at the regular March meeting.

She also shared information about a mission statement, goals and long-range plans for the library. Cathie, Nancy and Kate will meet to begin writing a mission statement for the Trustees to consider.

Kate shared information about the possible use of volunteers. She will investigate forms for volunteers to sign and share them with the trustees at a future meeting.