Trustee Minutes – February 13, 2017

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
13 February 2017

Present:  Dick Goettle, Barbara Green, Richard Mays, Ann McEntee, Nick Noyes, Susan Curtin—alternate, and Director Kate Thomas

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM in the Quick Meeting Room of the library.  

Dick Goettle addressed the end-of-the-year monies to be lapsed to the Town ($658.17).  The amount was received in late December, too late to apply it to end-of-the-year expenses.  Richard Mays put forth a motion that $658.17 be returned to the Town, and Dick seconded it.  Motion carried 4 to 1.

The minutes of the January 9th meeting were reviewed.  Richard put forth a motion to accept them as presented, and Dick seconded it.  Motion carried 4 to 1. The Trustees reviewed and signed the manifest.  

Kate Thomas’s spread sheet of library spending was reviewed.  It was noted that 35% of the budgeted amount for heating oil has been expended.

The Trustees accepted Richard’s resignation as Treasurer, and Dick will assume that office, effective February 13, 2017.  Kate reminded Dick about the need to visit TD Bank to update the account’s signature card and receive a debit card for future library business use.

New Trustee officers (Dick and Ann McEntee) updated Raymond James Financial records for the Fitzwilliam Town Library Memorial Fund.

Nick Noyes announced that the selectmen will be reviewing the proposed warrant regarding the library’s income-generating equipment (RSA 202-A: 11-a) at their upcoming meeting, scheduled for February 28th.   Nick has asked that several members attend the meeting.

The library’s art show policy was reviewed, and Nick recommended that the wording be changed in article 4 to read, “The library suggests a 10 percent donation from the sale of artwork . . . .”  Nick also suggested that a caption stating the date of revision be appended to the bottom of the page.  The trustees agreed to these changes unanimously.  Kate will post the revised Art Show Policy on the library’s website.

The librarian’s report was reviewed.  Kate stated that the patron door counter will be replaced.  The Keene Sentinel ad, which solicited applications for the part-time librarian, yielded fourteen applications.  Kate has reviewed them and will be interviewing three individuals within the next two weeks.  Nick will attend the interviews.

A brief discussion regarding the insurance for the Locke Collection as well as the Bulgarian Collection ensued.  Monies have been budgeted to hire an appraiser to determine the value of the two collections.  

Kate announced that the library will host a Meet the Candidates Night Wednesday, March 8th at 7:00 PM. 

The annual Fitzwilliam Town meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, March 14th at 7:00 PM.

 The next Trustee meeting is scheduled for March 6th, 2017 at 6:00 PM.

Richard put forth a motion that the meeting adjourn; Dick seconded it, and the motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann McEntee