Trustee Minutes – February 4, 2019

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
4 February 2019

Present:  Dick Goettle, Barbara Green, Ann McEntee, Nick Noyes, Susan Curtin (alternate), and Library Director Kate Thomas

Nick Noyes called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

The Trustees reviewed and signed the Library Manifest and Spending-to-Date Expense Report.

Kate Thomas introduced Pam Troccia, who will serve as Barbara Green’s replacement when she leaves the board later this year.

The minutes of the January 7th meeting were reviewed; Dick Goettle put forth a motion, seconded by Nick, to approve them.  Motion carried.

Kate presented the monthly Librarian’s Report, which stated that January’s circulation dropped 7% (compared to January 2018); more patrons stream movies,hence circulation of DVDs has declined. The library staged 28 programs with a total attendance of 186 people.  Two new computers are now functioning and available for public use. The programs Minecraft and Scratch are available on these computers, and the genealogy sites are now password-enabled. A new housekeeping schedule has been put in place, providing a clean bathroom at the end of the week.

Nick asked Ann McEntee to forward a zipped file of Trustee and Library policies,which includes the policy review timeline, to her fellow Trustees.  Dick Goettle suggested to Kate several options for storing these policies and other Trustee-related documents: a free drop-box account (50 GB of storage); Microsoft’s One-Drive (cloud-based)service; or, a Goggle Docs account.  Kate responded that she is currently using the last option but agreed to discuss the other two with Loree.

The Trustees discussed the draftiness felt around the building’s back (addition)and front doors.  Nick stated that he will add the concern to Richard Mays’s “maintenance list.”

Nick stated that the brick walkway will now be repaired by Fitzwilliam’s public works crew.

Barbara Green reported to the Trustees that she and Nick will meet with the Selectmen Tuesday, February 5th to discuss the appraisal of the Locke Collection.  Two issues will be addressed: the need for additional monies to be added to the budget to cover both the continued services of Scott Rodolitz, the appraiser,and possible legal services in determining the collection’s final disposition;and, ways to display the collection publicly once the insurance and security issues have been resolved.  Barbara also stated that Cathie Talbert, a former trustee, has agreed to participate informally, in the work of the ad hoc Locke subcommittee.

In relation to Barbara’s report, Nick stated that Debbie Favreau has forwarded a copy of the Locke Collection appraisal to the town’s municipal insurance company.  She has yet to receive a response.  Susan Curtin advised the Trustees that given the appraised value of the collection, the Library must retain a copy of the insurance rider that corresponds directly to the collection (listing its contents and the value of each item). If no rider is forthcoming, a letter from the insurance agent that explains this decision should be obtained and placed in the Library’s Locke Collection files.

The next trustee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, March 4th at 5:30 PM.

Dick put forth a motion, seconded by Barbara, that the meeting adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 6:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann McEntee, Secretary