Trustee Minutes – February 6, 2012

Present: Barbara Green, Nick Noyes, Joanne Kesses, Susan Massin, Richard Mays, Maggie Brogdon

We approved the January 9, 2012 minutes as amended.

Susan presented the yearly library report to the town. She noted that while circulation for 2011 was down 4%, January 2012 has been the busiest January in 5 years.

Dave Kenney (of Granitech) has completed installing the new public computers, the new Microsoft Office software purchased thru Tech Soup, a new router and a hard drive back up for the office computers. The checkout desk computer had to be hard wired into the new system. Susan will investigate replacing it this year.

Joanne has turned over the treasurer’s materials to Richard, the board’s new treasurer. Barbara will manage the investment accounts. Both Barbara and Richard have signature authority on all accounts. Nick will continue with the Town Trust Funds.

Barbara reported on some options for the Massin Memorial Fund but noted that the management fees are quite high. The money is now in a mutual fund account at Wells Fargo. Barbara will investigate options at Savings Bank of Walpole and TD Bank. Nick will investigate other options.

Richard replaced the bulb in the front light again. He will investigate replacing it with a light that can be sealed to prevent continued moisture damage. Richard also volunteered to officially monitor the building and identify needed repairs. Susan and the Trustees greatly appreciate his doing this important task.

Susan reported that Donna Hill helped her transfer the Library Treasurer’s Report to Excel for the town audit. Health insurance and oil are the only increases in the 2012 budget. Public budget hearing – Feb 9.

Susan announced the upcoming library programs to include:

  • Candidates Night on March 7
  • Grange Movement on April 11
  • Gardening (co-sponsored by the Garden Club) on April 18
  • Fitzwilliam Town History Series (Presented by Bob Corrette.) Starting on April 25

Susan plans to begin presenting library policies for review and revision at upcoming meetings.

The trustees signed the manifest and the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.

The next meeting will be Monday, March 5 at 6 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Maggie Brogdon