Trustee Minutes – January 7, 2013

Minutes for the Fitzwilliam Library Trustees Meeting, Jan 7, 2013

Present: Maggie Brogdon, Barbara Green, Richard Mays, Nick Noyes, Cathie Talbert
Absent: Susan Massin

The trustees approved the minutes of Dec 3,2012, Dec 11,2012 and Dec 20,2012.
We approved the revised investment policy as presented by Nick Noyes.

All materials for the auditors must be in the Selectmen’s Office by Jan 18, 2013. Susan will have the Treasurer’s Report, the manifests, the petty cash statements, the bills and the checking account statement ready. Barbara will provide the investment account information. Richard will provide all the other account information.

Building Report
Snow and ice piled up on lower roof again. James got up to shovel it off. Also added shoveling off emergency exit stairs to his jobs.
Back Emergency light is burned out. John Greer will take care of it. Richard should talk to him before ordering a new fixture for the front porch light.
The Selectmen approved using General Government Funds to repair the chimney. Susan has notified Bob Luopa and he will fit it into his schedule in March. More flashing may be required from A J Johnson Roofing and that is not priced.

So far the budget committee and selectmen have made no cuts in the library budget.
The Public Hearing is Feb 7th. Cathie and Barbara will plan to attend.
The CIP committee is working on their recommendation for painting. As of today they want us to include all the painting jobs into one for next year as they have several large projects in 2014 and 2015. We will talk about this further next month.
Nick will confirm with Paula the way that legal fees are to be paid in 2013.
Susan recently sold (via consignment to Knotty Pine Antiques) two Confederate bills that she found many years ago in a book. She has a check for $60.

Nick and Richard will file to be on the 2013 town ballot to run for another term as trustees.

We signed the manifest and adjourned at 6:40 PM.
The next meeting will be Monday, Feb 11 at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Maggie Brogdon