Trustee Minutes – January 8, 2018

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
8 January 2018

Present:  Dick Goettle, Barbara Green, Richard Mays, Ann McEntee, Nick Noyes, Susan Curtin (alternate) and Library Director Kate Thomas

Nick Noyes called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

The Trustees reviewed and signed the Library Manifest and the Library Expenses Spreadsheet.

Nick put forth a motion to approve the December 4th minutes; Richard Mays seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Dick Goettle led the review of the year-end financial statement.

At 5:50 PM Richard Mays moved that the Trustees go into a non-public session per RSA 91-A:3, paragraph II(c), matters which would likely affect adversely the reputation of a person.  Dick Goettle seconded the motion.  The roll call vote:

        Nick Noyes—yes                                            Ann McEntee—yes

        Barbara Green—yes                                      Richard Mays—yes

        Richard Goettle—yes                                    Susan Curtin—yes

At 6:26 PM Richard Mays moved that the Trustees end the non-public session per RSA 91-a:3, paragraph III and seal the minutes. 

Dick Goettle seconded the motion.  The roll call vote:

      Nick Noyes—yes                                            Ann McEntee—yes

      Barbara Green—yes                                      Richard Mays—yes

      Richard Goettle—yes                                    Susan Curtin—yes

Nick reported that Kate’s annual review has been completed. Barbara Green suggested that the review process begin prior to the month of December to allow time for more input.  Discussion of 2018 goals was postponed until February meeting.

Nick reported that the CIP Committee has passed the request for replacement of the fence that traverses the front of the property and purchase of a new shade tree on to the Budget Committee.

The Trustees agreed to move forward with the tree stump grinding.  Work to commence in late spring.  Dick will adjust the 2018 budget to accommodate the expense.

Richard spoke with Glen Wells of Hampshire Fire Protection Company (HFPC) about the condition of the library’s pipes.  Glen explained that a pump valve, located in the pump house, went dry, which led to the sounding of the fire alarm.  He also stated that the valve affects only the pipes in the meetinghouse; those in the library passed inspection as stated in the recent HFPC’s inspection report.

A brief discussion about the current hours of operation transpired.  No action was taken.

The Trustees reviewed the Librarian’s Report:  although December’s circulation was down 4% compared to December, 2016, the annual circulation increased 8%.  The sliding door track needs to be repaired or replaced.  The front door cannot close properly; Kate will ask Ben Thomas to assess as soon as possible.  Kate announced that Loree Elton is our new assistant librarian;  

Nick set the meeting for Monday, February 5th, 2018 at 5:30 PM.

Richard put forth a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ann.  Motion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 6:52 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann McEntee, Secretary