Trustee Minutes – January 9, 2017

Minutes of the Meeting of the Fitzwilliam
Town Library Board of Trustees
9 January 2017

Present:  Dick Goettle, Barbara Green, Richard Mays, Ann McEntee, Nick Noyes, Susan Curtin—alternate, and Director Kate Thomas

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM in the Quick Meeting Room of the library.   The Trustees reviewed and signed the manifest.   Kate Thomas’s spread sheet of library spending was reviewed.  The budgeting of part-time employee hours was discussed.  Kate agreed to prepare monthly reports of both full- and part-time employee hours.

Dick Goettle presented a template for receipts and disbursements.  He requested an accounting of trust fund monies to determine monies spent on building repairs.  Richard Mays will prepare a report detailing the library-managed trust funds, and Nick Noyes will prepare a second report detailing the library trust funds managed by the town.

The December minutes were reviewed, emended, and approved.

The library’s behavior policy was reviewed, and a discussion ensued about including a statement about the use of cell phones.  A vote was taken, and four trustees voted in favor of keeping the behavior policy as originally presented, and one opposed. 

Nick reported that Fitzwilliam’s CIP Committee has earmarked as “urgent” the trustees’ request for the second-floor door and first-floor sprinkler upgrades. These building improvements will appear on the warrant for the upcoming township ballot.

Nick reported that Kate’s annual review has been completed.  Kate stated that she intends to track monies collected from the “conscience box” and lost books, copies, and video fines and apply them directly to the purchase of books, office supplies, and videos respectively.  Gifts to the library would be deposited in the book fund. She also announced that Nancy Woodard has volunteered to help her create a brand for the library.

It was agreed that the trustees will draw up the library’s technology plan.

Trustees discussed measures for success of the library.  Kate announced that the Friends of the Library raised the largest amount of money this past year.  She also stated that circulation numbers are not enough of a benchmark and will begin circulating ALA’s surveys during library programs and then follow-up several months later.

The librarian’s report was reviewed.  Kate stated that the door counter may need to be replaced.  New computers and their charging station have been purchased.  Kate also announced that she would be installing several new computer programs, including Minecraft.  Her report also provided a correction to what was reported last month: movie licensing has increased to $236 (as opposed to $463, the amount Kate originally reported).

Dick offered to schedule a meeting with the Town Administrator to review the upcoming warrant article about funds from the library’s income generating equipment, and Nick will attend the Budget Committee’s final meeting before the township’s annual review book goes to press.

The next Trustee meeting is scheduled for February 13th, 2017 at 5:30 PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:48 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann McEntee