Trustee Minutes – July 1, 2013

Minutes for the Fitzwilliam Library Trustees Meeting, July 1, 2013

Present: Maggie Brogdon, Barbara Green, Richard Mays, Nick Noyes, Cathie Talbert, Kate Thomas

The Trustees approved the minutes of June 3, 2013, June 10, 2013 and June 17, 2013.

The Trustees would like to thank Joan Knight and Heidi Wood for their time as part of the search committee for a new library director. Maggie will write notes of appreciation.

The Trustees welcomed Kate Thomas as our new library director. Cathie Talbert will write a formal announcement for the Fitzwilliam Newsletter.

The Trustees also expressed their thanks to the Friends of the Library for the wonderful retirement reception to honor Susan Massin.

Jeremy VanDerKern suggested that the four Fitzwilliam history VHS tapes could be copied to DVDs. The trustees authorized him to do so at a cost of $5 per DVD.

Nick would like us to review the number of people reading each magazine title as we consider renewing subscriptions. We will explore ways to do this. Kate suggested that we begin checking out current issues of magazines for two days. The Trustees agreed.

We approved the Fitzwilliam Economic Committees use of the meeting room on July 10 from 5 to 8 PM.

We adjourned at 6:32 PM.
The next regular meeting will be Monday, Aug 5 at 6:00 PM.
Barbara will contact Carl Gravina, Wells Fargo advisors, to schedule a meeting in September or October.

Respectfully submitted,
Maggie Brogdon