Trustee Minutes – July 1, 2019

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
1 July 2019

Present: Beth Lorenz, Ann McEntee, Trish Toomey, Pam Troccia, and Library Director Kate Thomas

Beth Lorenz called the meeting to order at 5:44 PM in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

Stacie Pirozzi, chair of the Friends of the Fitzwilliam Town Library, introduced herself to the Trustees.

The Trustees reviewed and signed the Library Manifest and Spending-to-Date Expense Report.

The minutes of the June 3rd meeting were reviewed; Pam Troccia put forth a motion, seconded by Trish Toomey, to approve them as presented.  Motion passed.

Kate Thomas reported that she has yet to receive the estimated costs of hardware and cross support) wood for fencing from Joe Moody. Ann McEntee asked for names and contact information of carpenters; she will solicit estimates for new wood cladding of the granite fence posts.

Kate presented the Director’s Report: materials circulation continues its downward trend (20% drop from that of June 2018), but slightly better than May’s drop of 21%. She stated that total attendance also dropped (down 24% from that of June 2018). Interviews for Loree’s replacement occurred during the last week of June. Kate has made an offer to one candidate and awaits her response. Building maintenance prevails: the furnace has been serviced; exterior insect spraying has transpired; the second-floor window has been replaced; and, Richard Mays has removed old paint cans (25 gallons) from the cellar. The Trustees briefly discussed Coni Porter’s ideas for branding and tag lines with Kate. Upcoming programs include the children’s weekly Summer Reading programs. She will call the Keene Sentinel to request a photographer to cover the July 31st program, during which Galileo appears as the guest speaker.

Ann reported that she and Richard have been compiling the building and grounds inventory as they continue to discover maintenance issues, particularly on the north side of the building. She presented Lawrence Brothers Plumbing and Heating estimate to (1) line the sump pump pit and replace the pump and (2) install a new kitchen faucet in the Quick Meeting Room. Trish expressed concerns regarding the costs associated with the sump pump, believing it to be too low. Ann will call Lawrence Brothers to confirm costs and provide verbal agreement for work to commence.

A brief discussion about drawing up an MOU with the Selectmen ensued. It was agreed to continue the discussion at the August meeting.

Ann presented her findings to date about the Locke Collection disposition. Given July vacation schedules, it will be early August before the attorney from Gordon & Sheehan, Kate, and Ann can schedule a conference call to discuss costs and legal ramifications associated with the disposition. She spoke with Peter Tennant, Tennant Goucher Architects, regarding display cases.

Stacie Pirozzi provided additional information about the children’s Summer Reading programs. She stated that 38 people attended the Theremin program, the opening program. She also announced that there will be two “Telescopes on the Common” events on July 11th and August 8th.

Stacie also announced that the annual book sale, run in tandem with garden club’s plant and bake sale, has been scheduled for Saturday, August 24th. The library will begin taking donations August 1st.

Beth put forth a motion, seconded by Pam, to adjourn the meeting; motion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 6:56 PM.

The next Trustee meeting is scheduled for August 5th at 5:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann McEntee