Trustee Minutes – July 14, 2020

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
14 July 2020

Present via electronic meeting: Dick Goettle, Pam Troccia, Robin Marra, Patricia Toomey, Brian Doerpholz and Library Director, Kate Thomas.

The Chair of the Board of Trustees has concluded that an emergency has necessitated the meeting be held electronically. The emergency has been determined to exist due to the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by the physical attendance of the Trustees. An electronic notice of the meeting was posted on the Fitzwilliam Library website as well as the Facebook page, with instructions for the public to join the meeting, if interested.

Chair Robin Mara called the meeting to order at 5:46 p.m.

Robin Mara discussed a phone call he had received from Selectman Baker. At the July 6, 2020 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees, a motion was made to recommend that the Town re-submit the RFP for the bid for the Library Buildings and Grounds projects; to include the four who did not bid originally and two additional contractors that were recommended by two trustees. Selectmen Baker was confident in his phone call to Robin Mara that the Town was fine with the single bid received by Wade Leventry of Top Dawg Design Build, LLC and is willing to oversee and mange the project as part of the umbrella of Town buildings.

After discussion, a motion was made by Robin Mara that, upon receipt of written acceptance by the Board of Selectmen of the lone proposal submitted by Wade Leventry, the Library Board of Trustees will approve that acceptance and agree to work with the contractor and Selectmen throughout the scheduling and construction process. The motion was seconded by Brian Doerpholz and approved with affirmative votes, received by voice roll call from Robin Marra, Pam Troccia, Trish Toomey, Dick Goettle and Brian Doerpholz.

As there was no further discussion, a motion was made by Robin Marra to adjourn the meeting at 6:29 p.m., seconded by Dick Goettle and approved with affirmative votes, received by voice roll call from Robin Marra, Pam Troccia, Trish Toomey, Dick Goettle and Brian Doerpholz.

Respectively submitted

Pam Troccia
