Trustee Minutes – July 2, 2012

Minutes for the Library Trustees Meeting, July 2, 2012

Present: Maggie Brogdon, Richard Mays, Nick Noyes, Cathie Talbert, and Susan Massin
The Trustees approve the June 4th minutes.
We approved the minutes of the June 21 emergency meeting.

Susan reported on the status of work on the heat and a/c system. Richard will look into finding someone to maintain both systems.
As of June 14 the library’s internet connection is with Fairpoint.
Susan , the Selectmen and police will meet on July 11 about parking during the Antique Show.

Art Shows
Sat, July 14 is the last day of Margaret Fitzwilliam’s show. The Fitzwilliam photo show will be July 27 to Aug 7. Sybille Leary’s show will be Aug 18 to Sept 15.

250th Celebration – The Friends Board will provide cupcakes and Joan Knight will tell stories. Susan is ordering a banner for the library float and scheduled to work on the float Fri, July 6.

Library Assistant position opening is for M&W evenings from 5-8. 3 candidates to consider

Barbara received the Wells Fargo check to deposit in savings and CDs for the Massin Memorial Fund. Nick will check to see if we are required to have a public hearing about the Fund.

Richard Mays moved that the trustees go into a nonpublic session per RSA 91-A:3, paragraph II(c), to discuss a matter that would likely affect adversely the reputation of a person other than a member of this public body. Cathie Talbert seconded the motion.
The roll call vote went as follows–
Noyes, yes
Brogdon, yes
Mays, yes
Green, yes
Talbert, yes

Richard Mays moved that the trustees end the nonpublic session and per RSA 91-A:3, paragraph III, seal the minutes. Barbara Green seconded the motion
The roll call vote went as follows—
Noyes, yes
Brogdon, yes
Mays, yes
Green, yes
Talbert, yes

The next meeting will be as needed. The next regular meeting is Aug 6 at 6PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.

Respectfully submitted,
Maggie Brogdon