Trustee Minutes – July 3, 2017

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
3 July 2017

Present:  Dick Goettle, Barbara Green, Richard Mays, Ann McEntee, Nick Noyes, and Director Kate Thomas

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

The minutes of the June 5th meeting were accepted as amended.

The Trustees reviewed Kate Thomas’s spread sheet of library expenses; they also approved and signed the library manifest. 

The Trustees reviewed the Gift Policy.  Kate will prepare the final copy and post on the Library’s website.

Richard Mays provided an update about fencing and the Library’s sign.  The repair of the fence is in progress.  It was agreed that a request for the replacement of the entire fence will be submitted to the Township’s CIP Committee early this fall.  Richard also presented three designs for the Library’s sign from one vendor; he will review them with the Historic District Commission for their approval.  Kate shared a letter from the Selectmen stating the insurance money covering this spring’s storm damage had been received; it requested that all invoices related to the repair of the fence be submitted for reimbursement.

Richard also presented the following information about the Library’s septic system: it contains a 1,000-gallon tank, the cost of which to pump is approximately $240.00.  Given the blooming perennials that cover the tank cover, Richard suggested waiting until September or October to pump the tank.

Richard stated that the work on the second-floor door is partially complete.  The door has been installed, but its frame needs painting.  Also, an emergency exit sign needs to be installed.

Kate and Richard agreed to create a notebook of the Library building’s infrastructure information. 

The Trustees reviewed the Technology Inventory and Plan.  Dick Goettle recommended organizing the inventory by activity or function (e.g. Director’s system, Circulation Desk, Public computing stations, etc.).  It was agreed that the inventory would include an assessment of the condition of each “system” to determine what needs replacement.  Kate asked that the assessment include both hardware and software so that all equipment and programs be brought up to date; the assessment would include both the PCs and the two laptops.  The Trustees also discussed subscribing to Windows 360.

The Trustees discussed the findings of the Township buildings’ energy audit (2011); Dick suggested that we conduct a new audit, and he offered to solicit bids.  In the meantime the Trustees will prepare proposals for insulation and window treatments to be submitted to the CIP Committee early this fall.

The Trustees reviewed the Librarian’s Report.  Kate stated that she sees a circulation increase of DVDs and audiobooks; 751 were checked out during the month of June.  A large number of children have enrolled in the summer reading program, and she believes that the skit performed at the Emerson Elementary School (The Three Little Pigs) encouraged the enrollment.  The number of enrolled adults was consistent with previous years, but once she announced the competition (“Build a Bigger Tower”: children versus adults), more adults signed up.

The next Trustee meeting was scheduled for August 7th, 2017 at 6 PM.

Richard put forth a motion to adjourn the meeting; Nick Noyes seconded it.  The motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 7:22 PM.   

Respectfully submitted,

Ann M. McEntee, Secretary