Trustee Minutes – July 7, 2014

Present: Barbara Green, Gail Landy, Richard Mays, Nick Noyes, Cathie Talbert, Nancy Woodward (Alternate), Kate Thomas, Director

At 6:03 pm Nick called the meeting to order. We signed the Manifest and approved the minutes of the June 2, 2014 meeting.

The Trustees authorized the Long Range Planning Committee to create a long range plan for eventual approval and adoption by the Board. This process will take many months and will need input from the larger community. Kate mentioned that at least three people have already indicated a willingness to participate. Nancy Woodward is chairing this sub-committee.

Barbara will contact Carl Gravina about setting a date for an annual review of our investments.

We approved a Bulletin Board Policy. We began a discussion of a Social Media Policy, which will be continued next month, and a Gift Acceptance Policy, for which Gail offered to write a draft. Our Art Show Policy will also be reviewed in August.

Librarian’s Report.

Circulation is up. Summer reading programs for preschool, elementary kids, teens and adults are doing well.

113 new books have been added to the children’s collection.

For summer programs – Mark Breen and Thunderstorms, Linda Reinhart on Zentangle and Jeremy will be offering a 3 day workshop on iPads. In addition the Library is offering weekly movies and science experiments.

Our new movie projection screen has been installed.

Other building issues discussed – a snow belt for the section of the roof where ice dams easily occur. Kate will get information on the cost and feasibility. Richard will call JP Pest to schedule our annual treatment.

We adjourned at 6:51pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Cathie Talbert