Trustee Minutes – June 4, 2012

Present: Maggie Brogdon, Barbara Green, Richard Mays, Nick Noyes, Cathie Talbert, and Susan Massin

The trustees approved the May 6, 2012 minutes as amended.

Building Report
Richard reported that the two square light fixtures have been replaced. He is waiting for the siding to dry before sealing it. Susan reported that the plumber has not serviced the furnace and a/c. Susan suggested the need to install a fence between the library property and the adjacent house. Juana Lehtola has begun the spring garden work. Donna Hill will be donating mulch that Juana will pick up and spread.

Financial Report
Barbara will schedule a meeting with Wells Fargo to review our portfolio for the August, September or October meeting.
We discussed the wording of the letter that will be signed by Susan and Charlie Massin (and notorized) to establish the Massin Memorial Fund. Nick and Barbara will meet to follow up on where to invest the funds.

Librarian’ Report
Susan reported that the usage of downloadable materials by our library patrons has increased by about 40% so far this year. At a conference that Susan attended recently she learned how many libraries are buying digital books for the Kindles they own. She is considering doing this for the Kindle that our library owns and can be checked out by patrons (a policy is going to be written).

Koha is upgrading the system and ours will be done in two weeks. Susan participated in a 3-hour on-line training for this update. Two improvements to the system are that we will be able to suspend a book hold and libraries will be able to perform batch deleting of listings.

Our internet access is still not good. FastRoads does not appear as though it will be available for almost 2 years. A motion by Cathie, seconded by Richard was passed unanimously to authorize Susan to sign a two year contract with Fairpoint for internet service.

Susan received 14 responses to the Keene Sentinel ad for the job-opening for a part-time library aide. She will follow up with the three that appear to be the best candidates.

Susan is signing a contract with Mango for their online program for learning languages. The $400 cost will be funded for a one year trial by the Massin Fund. Since Kathleen Packard has agreed to our proposal to hire her on an “as needed” basis, Susan will be asking her to set up the authentication process necessary for the Mango program.

As part of the 250th Celebration there will be a “Then & Now” photo exhibit upstairs in the library. The Friends of the Library will be coordinating the Fitzwilliam Library 100th birthday celebration to include cupcakes.

Art Shows
Barbara met with Margaret Fitzwilliam to choose the New England and New York work that will be in her show. Barbara and Nick with work with John Fitzwilliam on June 14 to hang the show. John will provide the refreshments for the show opening on June 16 from 10 to 11:30 AM.

We adjourned the meeting at 7:10 PM.

The next meeting is Monday, July 2nd at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Maggie Brogdon