Trustee Minutes – March 2, 2015

Present: Barbara Green, Gail Landy, Richard Mays, Nick Noyes, Cathie Talbert, Nancy Woodward (Alternate) and Kate Thomas (Director)

Nick called the meeting to order at 6:06 pm.

We signed the manifest and approved the minutes of February 3, 2015.

After the correction of several typos we approved the Library Trustee Code of Conduct.

We reviewed a draft for a Meeting Room Policy and application form for groups wishing to use our meeting rooms. This discussion will be continued next month.

Nancy reported that about 60 survey responses have been received to date. Additional surveys and a collection box will be in Town Hall for next week’s voting in the hope that those residents who don’t use the Library will complete a survey. Nancy said that it will be a big job to collate the responses so it will be awhile before the results are available.

Librarian’s report: Circulation was up 8.8% over last February with 18 programs offered.

It has been a tough month for maintenance – the elevator is still not working, although someone from New England Lift is coming March 3rd. Ice buildup on the little roof has been a problem and the snow bankings are so high that plywood has been put in front of the window to help prevent leaking. The radiator in the entrance blew a valve and the replacement part is on back order. And twice it has been necessary to have air blown out of the heating system in order for there to be heat in all parts of the Library.

The front room has been designated “The New Hampshire Room” and that is where local collections are shelved in addition to Craft and Gardening books.

Kate has written a letter to the Selectman explaining the rationale behind our “snow day” policy.

There are now two staff people working Saturdays.

Kate has developed a spread sheet which will track monthly expenditures.

The website has been updated to include better security and round the clock tech assistance.

We adjourned at 7:08pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Cathie Talbert