Trustee Minutes – March 3, 2014

Present: Maggie Brogdon, Barbara Green, Nick Noyes, Richard Mays, Cathie Talbert, Kate Thomas (Library Director), and Nancy Woodward (alternate)

At 6:03 PM Nick called the meeting to order. We reviewed and signed the manifest. We approved the minutes of the regularly scheduled Feb 3, 2014 meeting.

The Selectmen have approved the use of Kathy John as a substitute assistant.

We reviewed the Emergency Procedure/ Disaster Plan. Nancy suggested adding flashlights to the plan and Richard will investigate. Kate will add a phone list to the plan and we will review it again next month.

Maggie moved (Nick seconded) that we adopt the proposed Mission Statement: “The Fitzwilliam Town Library supports the needs and interests of our community by offering information, experiences and ideas in creative ways.” We voted to adopt this Mission Statement and have it posted on the web site.

We reviewed a long-range/strategic plan that Kate shared. Kate and Nancy will share other plans and ideas via email. We will continue this discussion next month.

Cathie moved (Richard seconded) that we adopt the Volunteer Policy as corrected. We voted to adopt this policy. Kate will post it on the website and incorporate it into the notebook for volunteers.

Richard reported that he is now able to download bank statements. He also reported that we have a CD in the amount of $2,629.80 that matures on 3/9/2014. This was one of three CDs that we bought from the Special Book Fund. The trustees authorized Richard to cash that CD and deposit the money into the library checking account, pending further discussion of the use of the funds next month.

Librarian’s Report
Kate reported on circulation, programs and computer usage for Feb. She also noted upcoming programs.

The locksmith has provided two keys for the storage closet as well as two new master keys. These will be labeled and be available in the library office.

The VHS and audio cassettes are now upstairs and they will be de-accessioned this summer.

Kate shared proposed shelving for the office and staff bathroom for storage which we approved last month. Kate and Richard will meet Saturday to make the final decision.

The trustees authorized Kate to purchase three headsets for use with the library computers that will be available for patrons to check out at the front desk.

Kate is working on a new web site for the library that will have a better calendar and other improvements. It will allow her to put special bulletins, such as a weather related closings, at the top of the site.

Kate shared a suggested Guide to Library Conduct which will be discussed at the April meeting.

Since this was Maggie’s last meeting, Cathie expressed the thanks of the other Trustees for her service.

The next regularly scheduled meeting is April 7, 2014 at 6:00 PM. We adjourned at 7:23 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Maggie Brogdon