Trustee Minutes – March 7, 2016

Present: J. Nicholas Noyes. Gail P. Landy, Richard Mays, Barbara Green, Dick Goettle, Director Kate Thomas, Susan Curtin (guest)

The meeting was called to order at 6:06pm in the library meeting room. The Director indicated that alternate Nancy Woodward has resigned upon completion of the Long Range Plan but does want to continue to work on special projects for the library. Trustees expressed their thanks for her exemplary contributions to the library and look forward to working with her in the future.

The manifest was reviewed and signed by the Trustees with minor revisions.

The minutes of both the February 1, 2016 and the Special February 7,2016 meeting were approved with one correction in the spelling of a name in the Feb. 1 minutes.

Treasurer Mays and Barbara Green presented a fourth quarter 2015 financial spreadsheet indicating the status of library investments. It was reviewed and approved by the Trustees.

Susan Curtin was introduced as a candidate for alternate member to the Board. Trustees are elected but the Selectmen make the appointments for alternates. Nick will write the Selectmen requesting Susan’s appointment.

In response to Fred Wilkinson’s request for clarification on library expenditures Dick Goettle made a presentation explaining the difficulties and indicating he would be preparing a spreadsheet to go to Fred (and to Trustees) that will give the total picture for 2015.

Dick also presented a plan to utilize Quicken to track and simplify budget expenditures for 2016 and into the future. It will include Town expenditures on behalf of the Library, quarterly payments from the Town for expenses paid by the library, and expenditures from other library monies (Trust funds, grants etc.) This will result in more transparent budget documents. Dick volunteered to work on the Quicken template. Trustees expressed their thanks to Dick for all his work to clarify a complicated situation.

The DAR has requested space for a display in the library. With the current lack of space it was suggested that the Director turn the group down for now and indicate that when we have done more work on the upstairs meeting room, a temporary display might be an option.

The problems with the phone bill increase seem to have been resolved with our bills going back to old rates. Kate and Dick continue to monitor the monthly statements.

The electrician has been unavailable so the outside light issue will be resolved in the future.

Richard Mays indicated that there were issues with getting a library credit card. He will investigate a debit card instead.

Kate indicated she will be attending the Trustees conference in May and would welcome any Trustees who might also like to attend.

Her written report indicated a 6.7% increase in circulation over last year and 19 programs at the library with an attendance of 154.

Dick and Gail indicated they will not be at the April 4th Trustee Meeting but it was decided to go ahead since three Trustees constitute a quorum.

Both the Circulation policy and the Conflict of Interest policies are due to be reviewed in April. Nick will e-mail copies to all Trustees and to Susan.

Meeting was adjourned 7:01pm

Respectfully submitted,

Gail P. Landy, Secretary