Trustee Minutes – May 1, 2017

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
1 May 2017

Present: Dick Goettle, Barbara Green, Richard Mays, Ann McEntee, Nick Noyes, Susan Curtin—alternate, and Director Kate Thomas

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM in the Quick Meeting Room of the library.

Carl Gravina, our Raymond James financial advisor, met with the board to discuss the library’s Memorial Fund and Investment Policy.

The Trustees reviewed Kate Thomas’s spread sheet of library spending; they also approved and signed the library manifest.

The minutes of the April 3rd meeting were accepted as amended.

Nick Noyes opened the discussion about the Collection Development Policy. It was agreed that the date in the last paragraph of the first page needs to be changed to 2017; Kate will update the collection’s numbers and percentages. She also explained that the value of this policy lies in its support of the library’s collection as patrons question the selection of materials.

Nick reopened the discussion about the Social Media Policy. It was agreed that the last word of the final paragraph should be changed from “department” to “library.” The date of review was also changed from 4/2017 to 5/2017, and the phrase “Next review 5/19” was added beneath the date of review change.

Richard Mays reported that the replacement of the second floor door and any additional repairs related to its replacement are scheduled for mid-May.

Kate provided an estimate from Ben Thomas, Designer/Builder, for fence repair. She explained that Debbie Favreau, Town Administrator, had requested an estimate for insurance purposes.

Richard Mays will repair the portion of the fence recently damaged.

Kate introduced an invoice for $1,850 for tree removal: $1,000 for aging, split locust tree located on the library’s property, and $850 for the two aging, diseased trees located on the right-of-way. She explained that she was not consulted about these costs prior to the commencement of work. Kate has scheduled a meeting with the Board of Selectmen on Monday, May 15th to discuss this invoice. She asked that the trustees attend this meeting.

Ann McEntee presented the findings from the Energy Audit performed by the Peregrine Energy Group for the Town of Fitzwilliam (October, 2011). The report provided five strategies for improving the library’s use of electricity and heating oil. Nick offered to look into the recommendation for changing the light bulbs. Ann suggested that the trustees revisit these recommendations later this year as they begin to propose 2018 CIP projects.

Ann and Kate began a discussion about the potential loss of funding for the IMLS and LSTA. The Friends of the Library will be purchasing a full-page ad in the June edition of the Fitzwilliam Newsletter; it will contain a letter listing the particular services that will be cut or severely curtailed should funding for the IMLS and LSTA be cut this coming September. Ann stated that she has written letters to both of the state’s US Representatives and Senators asking for their support of the retention of NEA, NEH, and IMLS funding. She asked the trustees to also contact our US Representatives and Senators. Kate will post information about the loss of library and informational services and ways in which patrons can contact our US Representatives and Senators on the library’s Facebook page and website.

Kate presented the monthly Librarian’s Report, which showed an increase in circulation and program attendance. A brief discussion about summer art shows and the use of second-floor space for children’s programming ensued; no shows have been booked to date.

The next Trustee meeting was scheduled for June 5, 2017 at 6 PM.

The meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann McEntee