Trustee Minutes – May 2, 2016

Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
Minutes of Meeting
May 2, 2016

Present:  Nick Noyes, Gail P. Landy, Barbara Green, Richard Mays, Dick Goettle, Director Kate Thomas

Absent:  Susan Curtin—alternate

Meeting was called to order by President Noyes at 6:10 pm in the Meeting Room of the library.

The manifest was signed and approved by Trustees.

The Trustees reviewed the librarian’s spending-to-date spreadsheet.  With several annual items coming due this past month and the library now getting the phone and oil bills to pay directly (as opposed to having Town pay them and report back to library) there is a question as to whether the quarterly allocation needs to be adjusted in the future.  Trustees questioned whether there will be enough cash available to pay bills until next allocation or whether an additional allocation should be requested before July.  The Director will monitor and speak with the Selectmen’s Office if necessary.

There was a continuing discussion on how to better reflect library expenses on the spreadsheet, specifically as they relate to revenue sources.  Dick Goettle will work on refinement of categories with care being taken to relate them to Town account numbers. 

It was decided to renew the CD that is maturing in early June in the Massin Fund for an additional three(3) years.

The library will receive a total of $2415.04 from The Trustees of the Trust Funds.  These monies come from 4 separate trust accounts which are all restricted to the purchase of book/library materials.  In addition the Trustees decided to transfer and additional $500 from the Elizabeth Massin Trust Fund to purchase books.

Trustees will draft a letter for Kate to use with vendors and other accounts facilitate correction of their records to show Kate as Library Director—ie. person responsible for ordering, and contacts.

The date for Trustees  meeting with Selectmen was discussed.  Trustees seemed clear on the June 6th date but Dick Goettle indicated Deb Favreau did not have it on the calendar for that or any other date.  Nick will send a letter to the Selectmen clarifying the situation and asking for a confirmed date and time, a scope of the meeting, an agenda and specific questions to be asked so we may be appropriately prepared.

Gail Landy asked about Cory checks for library employees and volunteers.  The library follows the Town’s direction of not requiring them for either.

There was a brief discussion of the Special Book Fund, holdover from library construction times.  It is donated funds restricted to purchase of library materials. No action was taken at this time as to how or how quickly to expend these funds.

The Trustees decided to wait on authorizing conversion of outside lighting to motion sensors (cost $150-$200) until we verify type of bulb currently in use.

Siting the current meeting room policy of not allowing events that charge for admittance,  the Trustees voted to deny the request to use the meeting room for an adult yoga class on mornings the library is closed.

The Trustee Ethics Statement was unanimously approved (moved by Landy, Seconded by Mays) with two additions to last year’s policy—1. A sentence clarifying a Trustee’s fiduciary responsibilities, and 2.  The addition of  the word “immediate” before family and the words “or paid” in paragraph 6.

The Trustees unanimously approved the library Circulation Policy (moved by Noyes, seconded by Landy)  with two changes: Section D.  replace word “sent” with “mailed” an overdue notice, and “shall be denied”  with “may be denied.”  Revised approved policies will be posted on library website.

Director’s report is attached to this report.

Kate, Nick, Richard, and possibly Barbara will all be attending library conferences and workshops in the next month. 

The next meeting will be Monday, June 6, 2016 at 6pm with a possible meeting with Selectmen after Library meeting.

Meeting adjourned 7:30pm

Respectfully submitted.

Gail P. Landy, Secretary