Trustee Minutes – May 4, 2015

Present: Nick Noyes, Gail Landy, Richard Mays, Barbara Green, Dick Goettle, Director Thomas, Nancy Woodward—alternate

Meeting was called to order at 6pm by Nick Noyes. The May 1st manifest was reviewed by the trustees and approved.

The Minutes of the April 6, 2015 meeting were approved with one clarification. A corrected copy will be sent to Kate for posting on the website. Gail will forward copy to Chris Holman as requested.

There was a question about if, and/or where the Library Code of Conduct was to be posted. It was decided it should be posted on the library website along with other policies. Gail Landy will get a compatible copy to Kate.

Barbara and Richard handed out a spreadsheet tracking quarterly activities of library investment funds

Nick reported that he had spoken with John Fitzwilliam (Historic District Commission) and that to change the window as necessary did not require an additional meeting with the Commission. Nick is pursuing three bids for the additional work.

Richard Mays suggested that with one window being replaced thermal panes should be considered, and that all windows on second floor needed thermal panes. Capital Improvement funding was suggested as source.

The statue, now repaired has been moved to the front entrance. It seems the best place given the current options.

Nick discussed Library monies in the Trustees of the Trusts purview and suggested that we take monies from the Marguerite Davis building maintenance fund (retained monies) to pay additional expenses of replacing the window. The Trustees agreed.

Nancy Woodward reported that the Long Range Planning Committee was discussing options for getting input from area teens, and that the committee is working on a framework for the report.

The Meeting Room Policy discussion resulted in minor changes and clarifications that will be incorporated in the final plan to be voted on in June, assuming we can obtain the occupancy figures for each room.

June 1st is the next Trustee meeting

The Library Director reported minor decreases in circulation (less than 1%) and an attendance of 145 at the 21 programs held in April.

John Greer is hoping to have a solution to the porch light situation soon.

Weeding continues in the fiction collection. A CLiF grant has been applied for collection development in cooperation with Emerson School. This grant may result in $1500 worth of Children’s books although the available titles are not entirely at the discretion of our librarian and are chosen from specific list.

Kate reported that the turnout and response to the 24 hour library program was excellent .

Work is continuing on the library website. It will hopefully be up by the beginning of the summer reading program.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:01pm

Respectfully submitted,

Gail P. Landy Secretary