Trustee Minutes – May 7, 2012

Present: Maggie Brogdon, Richard Mays, Nick Noyes, Cathie Talbert, and Susan Massin
Absent: Barbara Green

The trustees approved the April 2, 2012 minutes.

Building Report
Richard reported that all of the fluorescent lights have been changed and it should lower our costs for electricity. He will investigate having the 2 square light fixtures replaced. Susan reported that the plumber shut off the high pressure valve that was leaking from the ceiling in the office. She will contact him about servicing the furnace and a/c. Susan also reported that there are some boards that need to be replaced on the front of the building. Susan will follow up on this repair and painting.

Financial Report
Nick presented the report on the annual report on the Trust Funds. Susan completed a request for withdrawing funds based on this report.

Nick also noted the need for the Massin family to submit a letter to establish the Massin Memorial Fund and to authorize the Trustees to manage the fund. Susan will bring a letter to the next meeting. Nick and Barbara are following up on where to invest the funds.

Librarian’ Report
Kathleen Packard has resigned as Assistant Librarian. Donna Hill has been promoted to fill this position. Susan has posted the job opening for a part-time library aide in the library, Town Hall, and in the Fitzwilliam Newsletter. She will place an ad in the Keene Sentinel if there are no responses to the local postings.
After reviewing the proposal that Kathleen Packard submitted for work as a contractor, the trustees have asked Susan to let Kathleen know that we do not feel that we can guarantee 4 hours per month but would consider hiring her on an “as needed” basis.

Susan is investigating an online program for learning languages. The $500 cost could be funded for a one year trial from the Massin Fund.

The town history that the library donated to the 250th celebration’s silent auction fund raiser was sold and several of the bidders expressed interest in our other additional copies. Susan will investigate rebinding costs before we consider selling them.
Susan has called Juana to see if she is available to work on the gardens this year.

Art Shows
June 16 – Margaret Fitzwilliam show opening that Barbara will coordinate.
Cathie will coordinate with Sybille Leary about her August show.

Trustees Board Positions
Richard will continue as the treasurer with Barbara overseeing the investment accounts .
Maggie will continue as the secretary with Cathie acting as secretary when Maggie is absent.
Nick will be the new chairman.

We signed the manifest and adjourned the meeting at 7:08.

The next meeting is Monday, June 4th at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Maggie Brogdon