Trustee Minutes – November 3, 2014

Present: Barbara Green, Gail Landy, Richard Mays, Nick Noyes, Cathie Talbert, Nancy Woodward (Alternate) and Kate Thomas (Director)

Nick called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm.

We signed the manifest and approved the minutes of the October 6th and 27th meetings.

We reviewed and then approved the Investment Policy. This is done annually and no changes were made to the policy this year.

We reviewed the third quarter report on the balance of Library funds.

Based on the quotes that Nick has received from various contractors for repair of the leaking roof over our DVD collection it looks as if the cost will be in the $5,000 to $6,000 range. We are going to submit a request for this amount from the Capital Improvement Fund. Nick and Kate will go the Capital Improvement Planning Committee meeting on November 13th and present our case. Nick is going to ask for a quote from Jancewicz & Sons of Bellows Falls, who have extensive experience in the repair of historic buildings. Nick will ask Ben Thomas for a revised estimate.

We reviewed our funding request for 2015. The biggest increases over the 2014 budget are for salaries. Kate will be getting a raise and we hope to increase staffing an additional five hours per week. Nick and Kate will meet with the Budget Committee on November 13th.

Kate will receive her annual review in January.

Long Range Planning reported. They are working on writing a survey for the community. Their next meeting is scheduled for November 25th.

We adopted the Donation and Gifts Policy.

Kate gave a summary of her librarian’s report: circulation for October was up by 16% over last year and twenty two programs were offered. The Chess Club was a huge success.

Garden cleanup is ongoing. The elevator has been repaired. And the furnace cleaning is scheduled.

We now have a therapy dog available on Wednesday afternoons to help with the reading program.

Sebastian Lockwood will perform “Gilgamesh” on November 12th at 7pm. Kate is very excited about this program.

Jeremy has resigned due to scheduling conflicts with his teaching job but he is willing to help out with special projects, particularly in the summer. Kate has posted the job opening and is accepting applications.