Trustee Minutes – November 4th, 2019

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
4 November 2019

Present: Dick Goettle, Beth Lorenz, Ann McEntee, Trish Toomey, Pam Troccia, Susan Curtin (alternate) and Library Director Kate Thomas

Beth Lorenz called the meeting to order at 5:45 PM in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

The Trustees reviewed and signed the Library Manifest and Spending-to-Date Expense Report.

The minutes of the October 7th meeting were reviewed; Ann McEntee put forth a motion, seconded by Dick Goettle, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed.

Kate Thomas presented her monthly report: October proved to be a month of activity with 383 people (in total) attending 30 programs. Coni Porter has completed the terms of her contract for the library’s logo; additional changes will be billed at $60/hour. She has submitted a rough estimate for the redesign of the website. A beading workshop with Lucy Humphreys has been scheduled for Wednesday, November 13th, and two programs have been scheduled for December: the annual Friends of the Library meeting on Sunday, December 1st, and a baking contest to be held Friday, December 6th.

Dick announced the Town’s Budget Committee meeting, scheduled for November 14th at 7 PM. It will review the proposed 2020 Library Budget and the request for 2020 Capital Improvement Project(s) monies.

The Trustees reviewed the final iteration of Coni Porter’s logo design. Dick made a motion to approve the logo as presented, seconded by Trish Toomey. Motion passed with four in favor and one abstention. The logo will appear in library publications and on the website when it is launched in early 2020.

Beth and Trish presented their progress with the Locke Collection disposition. They have invited fellow trustees and the library director to view the Collection with them at a scheduled time in the Township office. It was agreed to move forward with the purchase of two display cabinets from Bloomin’ Antiques for the purpose of future displays of the Collection’s items. Locks will need to be attached to the cabinets. It was agreed that prior to the installation of a display, a policy regarding maintenance and rotation of the items will need to be drafted and approved.

Trish shared news of the Friends’ activities: their annual fund-raising campaign has begun; the annual meeting will include the election of the slate of officers for 2020 and entertainment provided by Stacie Pirozzi. Also, the Friends will setup the annual Giving Tree Wednesday, November 27th (the day before Thanksgiving). She encourages the trustees to contribute to the annual campaign, purchase a book to put under the tree for a needy tree and attend the annual meeting.

Susan Curtin announced that she must step down due to family matters. She will continue to serve until a new alternate can be recruited.

The next Trustee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, December 2nd @ 5:45 PM.

Dick put forth a motion, seconded by Beth, to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 6:32 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann M. McEntee
