Trustee Minutes – November 9, 2015

Present: J. Nicholas Noyes, Richard Mays, Gail P. Landy, Barbara Green, Dick Goettle, Kate Thomas

Absent: Alternate Nancy Woodward

The meeting was called to order at 5:35pm by President Nick Noyes.

The manifest was reviewed and signed by the Trustees.

The quarterly financial spreadsheet was circulated, reviewed, and signed by Trustees.

The minutes of the October 5, 2015 meeting of Trustees were approved as sent. The minutes of the non-public session of October1, 2015 were also approved.

President Noyes reported that the roof work has been completed and hopefully the problem has been solved.

Barbara Green reported on the last two art shows, one by Mary Ann Mullett, the other by Susan Silverman. Commissions from sales do go into the library checking account to help defray costs of putting on the shows.

A discussion was held on the draft Long Range Plan for the library. The Trustees are pleased with both content and format with just a few editing items noted. The possibility of making a shortened version (3-4 pages) available to general public was mentioned.

Trustees have received draft of director evaluation form written by Dick Goettle. No formal action was taken at this time.

The library budget meeting will be held at 7:45pm Thursday, November 12th. Dick Goettle reviewed the final budget with the Trustees. He will be presenting the budget at the meeting and will compose a summary of some of the points in its defense.

Director Thomas will check with Town Hall to get current CIP for library. Trustees will decide on whether changes/additions need to be made.

Kate gave the Director’s report indicating that circulation was down 10% from October of last year. Reductions in circulation of older DVDs and non-fiction accounted for much of this figure.

In October 25 programs were held with an attendance of 261 individuals.

After a power outage, the alarm panel needed to be fixed and new batteries for emergency lights have been ordered.

Outside lights have been fixed.

The furnace was cleaned and it was discovered that a new motor is needed for the upstairs circulator. It is now on order.

One new computer has been purchased and installed.

Phone bill continues to be a issue since we get only dollar amount of bill and not the bill itself to know where savings may be achieved.

Kate attended the NELA Conference and attended meetings on keeping the Library accessible for all generations, and on Makerspaces.

Kate asked for a clarification on whether groups using the library may accept donations when using the public meeting rooms. Trustees agreed that as long as it was not an admission charge or was required for attendance, this could be permitted.

It was announced that the next meeting will be December 7th, at 6pm.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:37pm

Respectfully submitted,

Gail P. Landy, Secretary