Trustee Minutes – October 1, 2012

Minutes for the Fitzwilliam Library Trustees Meeting October 1, 2012

Present: Maggie Brogdon, Barbara Green, Richard Mays, Nick Noyes, Cathie Talbert, and Susan Massin

The trustees approved the Sept 10, 2012 minutes.

The public meeting for acceptance of the Massin Fund is postponed until the Nov meeting so that Nick can do the needed public posting.

Budget Report
Susan reported that the preliminary budget is due Oct 23. Since we have no figures for the new cost of health insurance, oil, snow removal or possible employee cost of living raises Susan will enter last years amounts for those items and note that they will be adjusted when she receives the new amounts from the town. Internet and phone amounts will be lower. Fees for KOHA and downloadables will be increased. Painting of the building, rug cleaning and legal fees will be added.

Librarian’ Report
Susan reported that our circulation for Aug and Sept this year are lower than 2011.
Susan will purchase Waterhog rugs from LLBean for inside the library near the entrance and in front of the desk. Three companies are coming to provide rug cleaning estimates.
Mango (language learning online) is now available to patrons. Susan will investigate the cost of a new computer for the checkout desk.
After her October review Donna will be eligible for a salary increase.

The upstairs reorganization project is going well. Susan noted the need to make a decision about the china and the paintings. Cathie will inventory the china and Barbara will investigate selling it through replacements. Nick will find out about selling the paintings.

Art Shows
Cathie and Susan will contact the two people that still need to pick up art work from Sybille’s show. We received a check of $167.50 from Sybille as a commission on the art work that she sold.

Locke Collection Update
Susan shared the legal bills that we have received. Nick, Barbara, Cathie and Richard will review them.

The Library Trustees would like to thank the Friends of the Library for a very successful book and bake sale.

We signed the manifest and adjourned the meeting at 7:00 PM.

The next meeting is Monday, Nov 5th at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Maggie Brogdon