Trustee Minutes – October 2, 2017

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
2 October 2017

Present: Susan Curtin, Dick Goettle, Barbara Green, Ann McEntee, Nick Noyes, and Library Director Kate Thomas

Nick Noyes called the meeting to order at 6:00PM in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

The Trustees reviewed and signed the Library Manifest and the spread sheet of library expenses to date.

Dick Goettle put forth a motion, seconded by Susan Curtin, to approve the minutes of the September 11th meeting as presented. Motion passed.

The Trustees’ Budget Subcommittee reported that they have met to prepare a preliminary budget for the 2018 calendar year. Kate Thomas will meet with Debbie Favreau to determine the final deadline for budget submission as well as CIP requests.

Nick Noyes and Barbara Green reported that they have been in contact with two people who could possibly appraise the Locke collection, or help steer us to someone else who is able to do the appraisal.

Nick led the discussion about the purchase of a tree: should the Trustees wish to replace the trees that were removed, they will need to fund it. Ann McEntee suggested a donation from the Friends of the Library as well as a CIP proposal. Susan Curtin suggested creating a Go Fun Me page to solicit monies; she will speak with a representative from the Fitzwilliam Newsletter about publishing a solicitation article in the upcoming newsletter.

Dick discussed his conversation with an Eversource representative about energy audits. Third party representatives will contact Kate Thomas to set up appointments for energy and lighting audits during library hours.

The Trustees reviewed the Library Director’s monthly report, which indicated an increase in circulation of 15% above that of September, 2016.

Dick put forth a motion to adjourn, seconded by Susan. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:59PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann M. McEntee, Secretary