Trustee Minutes – October 3, 2016

Minutes of the Meeting of the Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
October 3, 2016

Present:  Nick Noyes, Dick Goettle, Richard Mays, Barbara Green, Susan Curtin—alternate, Director Kate Thomas

Absent: none

The meeting was called to order at 6pm in the Quick Meeting Room of the library.  The Trustees reviewed and signed the manifest.  The Librarian’s spread sheet of library spending was reviewed. 

The Trustees reviewed, corrected a typo, and approved the minutes of the September 12, 2016, Trustee meeting.

The ad hoc budget group presented the latest version of the 2017 budget.  A few changes were suggested.  The group will meet Oct. 11 at 3PM to make final adjustments before printing for the town Budget Committee.

Richard Mays reported on the second floor meeting room exterior door.  He is waiting for another quote, and then the trustees will decide to include the costs in the budget or submit a CIP request. 

Nick reported on his conversation with Sandra Gillis about signs in the historic district.  Richard is working on quotes for a hanging sign to replace the one on the fence and submitting an application to the Historic District Commission.

Nick and Barbara reported that curating the Locke Collections is a long term project.  The committee is working 1st on an appraisal. 

Susan reported on insurance coverage for the Locke Collection.  Nick will draft a letter to the selectmen expressing our concerns to be reviewed by Susan.

The Director’s report included that circulation is down from last year but the number of active patrons is up.  Kate will work with KOHA data to see if she can better pinpoint the area in which circulation is lower.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:05PM.

J. Nicholas Noyes

Acting Secretary