Trustee Minutes – September 9, 2013

Present: Maggie Brogdon, Barbara Green, Nick Noyes, Cathie Talbert, Kate Thomas Absent: Richard Mays
The Trustees approved the minutes of August 5, 2013 with the corrected spelling of Cathie’s name.
We reviewed and signed the manifest.
Nick reported that while it is not necessary to unseal any sealed minutes, we may do so at any time.

JP Pest Services completed the inspection and ant prevention treatment. The trustees agreed to proceed with the repair/replacement of rotten wood on some siding and window trim. Nick recommended that we ask for funds from the M. Davis trust to play for these building expenses. Once the wood repairs are made we will make the request.

Barbara announced that Carl Gravina of Wells Fargo Advisors will attend the October meeting. There was a balance of $56,196 in July with a year-to-date 2.9% growth of the fund. Our current investment policy is for 50% bonds and 50% equity. We will review the policy with Carl in October.

Librarian’s Report
Kate reported that several local groups have asked to borrow the projector. Current policy states that it is for the use of the library and town boards or committees only. We will consider changing the policy to include allowing it to be used by other groups for meetings in the library meeting room.

Kate reported that the UPS Backup system on the circulation computer is showing a warning that it needs a new battery. She will investigate whether or not we still need that backup and if so, the cost of a new battery. She also expressed concern about the quality of the color printer and will check the cost of a replacement.

She updated us on fall programs and asked for input on possible Humanities to Go programs.

Weeding outdated materials prior to the library book sale is continuing. The newspapers have been cleared and will only be kept for one month in the future. She recommended the purchase of boxes for the back issues of magazines that we are keeping and the trustees agreed. The reorganization of the reading room is progressing.

Kate gave us some information to read and discuss at a future meeting about library policies.

Kate was asked about the possibility of having a show of wooden bowls carved from tree burls. She will contact the artist and share our art show policy and release form with the artist.

We adjourned at 6:56 PM.
The next regular meeting will be Monday, October 7 at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Maggie Brogdon