Trustee Minutes – September 9, 2019

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
9 September 2019

Present: Dick Goettle, Beth Lorenz, Tricia Toomey and Library Director Kate Thomas

Beth Lorenz called the meeting to order at 5:45 PM in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

The Trustees reviewed and signed the Library Manifest and Spending-to-Date Expense Report.

A motion was made by Dick Goettle to change the 3rd item on the agenda to the 1st item. Seconded by Beth Lorenz. Motion passed

Carl Gravina from the Monadnock Capital Group discussed the present market outlook. He then reviewed the Library’s portfolio and portfolio changes. This included a discussion of how the portfolio is divided with mostly US stocks and very little international stocks. The portfolio has mostly US bonds and a small percentage in high yield markets. Changes will be made to the portfolio at the end of the year or beginning of next year to diversify the portfolio. See the handout for more detailed information regarding the Library’s portfolio.

Connie Porter discussed the ongoing branding ideas and logos. There was a discussion regarding the colors of the logo. It was felt more yellow was needed in the logo to stay with the color scheme of the library building. There was also a discussion regarding the different fonts and positioning of the logo. Discussed the logo for the Fitz Teens.

Conni will continue to make changes in the above and come back to the Trustees with updated layouts.

Kate brought up possible discrepancy for the current budget and financial report. She feels that 2 checks may have been written for the exterminator on 4/31. She will look into this

The minutes of the August 5 meeting were reviewed; Dick Goettle put forth a motion, seconded by Beth Lorenz to approve them as presented.  Motion passed

Motion was made to table the new fence discussion until next meeting. Second by Tricia Toomey. Motion passed

Kate presented the Librarian report. The Friends have agreed to pay $100 for the cost of the Library article in the Fitzwilliam Newsletter. The Trustees will also pay $100. Kate has not received an invoice for the charges at this date.

Kate reports a decrease in the programming at the library in August. She reports that August historically has less programs, but also the change in library staff also affected the programming.

Overdrive users with old 5-digit barcodes will need to change to 14-digit barcodes. This means new cards will need to be purchased-Kate anticipates about 100 new cards based on overdrive loans.

Meredith is working out well. She will be attending 3 conferences next month which will free up Kate for other things since she would normally have attended these conferences.

Winta is taking over the ILL responsibilities and will doing Petty Cash.

Winta moved all the books from the front of the return registers.

Kate reviewed upcoming Programs.

The building and grounds maintenance were discussed. Richard changed the filters in the 4 handlers. He felt that when the furnace is serviced each year that the furnace people should be checking the filters as part of the servicing.

The estimate to clean the ducts was $2800. Dick Goettle recommended checking and changing the filters as needed and see if this will hep to clean the ducts instead of having the ducts cleaned at this time.

The estimate to seal and cap the chimney is $1,400.

Richard will rent a scaffold to change the light bulbs in the Quick Meeting room.

The scaffolding can be used for some of the Northside work/improvements.

Estimates are needed for the north side improvement/repairs such as rain diverters and painting. Dick Goettle thought these would need to be included in the CIP.

The new tree is be installed this week.

A motion was made by Dick Goettle to table the discussion on the Locke collection. It was discussed to set up a meeting w/Ann McEntee with the new subcommittee members in Sept so an update can be reported on in the October meeting

Friends of the Library

Book sale results for the last 6 years have steadily increased.

Stacie Pirozzi is resigning as Chairperson of the Friends as of December 1.

Kate reports that none of the present members of the Friends would like to step up to Chair. A new Chair will need to be found

Handouts for the volunteer and internet policies were given out. These policies will be reviewed by each member to be discussed in the October meeting. These policies are on the Library’s website for those that did not receive a handout.

Beth put forth a motion, seconded by Dick, to adjourn the meeting; motion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 6:45PM

The next Trustee meeting is scheduled for October at 7 5:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia Toomey